Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Neomorphs, Androids, and Xenomorphs, Oh My!

Thoughts trickle and swell through the intricate, hidden pathways just behind my eyes. Words fleeting, as I struggle to form them into a flowing rhythm of understanding. I pause; taking a moment to inhale slowly and exhale. A pause to find my footing as delicate fingertips tap, impatiently, at the edge of this black keyboard. When they finally resume their languid movement along these keys, I find myself wondering what exactly it is that I want to convey through this poetic-prose.

Something interesting has happened. Ever since the weekend of May 13-14th 2017, something inside me proceeded to unravel. An unexpected epiphany, if you will. Events that threw me for an emotional whirlwind had also thrown me against a fragile barrier within my mind that shattered under the impact. Broken pieces of myself scattered all around me, and yet… When I managed to right myself, those same pieces had found their rightful places and I found myself remembering the person I thought I’d lost. The person I was the very same year my Father died. The person who became trapped behind a wall constructed by my mind without my knowledge. A way to protect myself as I went down a path that would bring more weight to bear on my already fragile psyche. For three years I was under the assumption that I was putting myself back together with what was left in the aftermath of all that I had experienced. Apparently, I was wrong.

The person I am now, was able to successfully integrate the person that I was. It has been strange, readjusting to my old chest pains and rising tides of emotion, but I’ve managed thus far. If those events hadn’t transpired the weekend of the 3rd year anniversary of my Father’s death, I fear I’d still be fragmented. I remembered that old scorching rage inside me that helped me get through some of my lowest moments. An anger that was more like an old friend who had been greatly missed.

I’ve been forced to face things about myself, my past, which could have destroyed me. Sounds dramatic, sure. Sadly, it’s not an exaggeration. I have experienced an array of very traumatic sensory memories that I had believed I had made peace with. Which, in a sense I already had. Until something was brought to my attention late last year that shook the very core of my foundation. That was only the beginning of my internal butterfly effect. As I convinced myself that I was finally coming out of the other side of suffering a Nervous Breakdown, it was brought to my attention while volunteering at Southern (Renaissance pleasure faire) this year that, that was not the case. While attempting to remind myself why I loved being a part of faire, something that at one point had quite literally saved my life… I was sideswiped by events that completely stopped me in my tracks. I was forced to reevaluate my part in the whole of faire itself. Did my presence ever mean anything at all? Was I a fool in believing I was actually a part of something that meant so very much to me? Faire has always been a sanctuary, especially when my world was being taken from me piece by agonizing piece. Faire was my escape, a place that I was convinced I contributed to. But when these events made me rethink everything…I was suddenly horrified by a terrible truth. If by chance, my contribution truly meant nothing, it meant that I had given away precious time with my Father while he was on his Death Bed. He had encouraged me to go, even while he was trapped in that fucking hospital, because it meant so much to me and gave me purpose.

The thought that I gave up those fleeting moments with my Hero, moments I can NEVER get back… For a part of the faire I had Believed I was a part of… Only to be shown, I was easily replaced. It made me stop and think. Was I always thought so little of? Was I truly that incompetent?

Was my Brother right all along; was I really that worthless?

By what I was shown… It was an incredibly hard slap to the face. Especially considering it was the very same weekend of the anniversary of not only Dad going into a coma on Mother’s Day, but Dying May 14th. So you can imagine how that devastated me. I was sick from it. Suddenly realizing that if this is truly how I was thought of, expendable, than that meant I had given up time with my Dad for fucking nothing.

That’s when I felt something in me snap and a cataclysm of rage erupted within the core of who I am.

Those old, painful chest pains surfaced with a vengeance (even as I type they coil inside my ribcage making it difficult to take a steadying breath) and they were almost comforting. Reminding me I’m very much alive and I am filled with an anger that was the only thing that kept me going from the moment Dad became ill in 2012 until his body gave up in 2014. Three years afterward, I was numb. I was broken and hollowed out by every horror I continued to face. I was the shell of a person I used to be. In a way, I’m glad that happened this year at faire. It brought me back. I’m still slightly off-center, but then again…I was never quite right to begin with.

When I mentioned before that Faire saved my life…it’s true. That is a place filled with the souls of people that I feel have become my Family. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I wouldn’t have been able to make it through the hell I’ve endured. Faire gave me Purpose, it filled me with Hope and Confidence. It was a place that I’ve always thrived. A place where I believed I made a difference. There are different facets to faire in its entirety, and the part I thought I was truly contributing to with my presence… A Rabble Rouser. Well, perhaps I was mistaken.

You see, Dad had a type of dementia when his liver was failing, so it was insanely hard for me to take care of him (Just go back through my older blogs during late 2013 and you’ll see) but when the hospital finally helped, when they took him in and got his toxicity levels down… He WAS my Dad again. It was as though he had woken from a long sleep and I had my Dad back. Do you have any idea how that screws you up inside? How that royally fucked me up, especially when he was talking about getting better, actively wanting to exercise because he wanted to go home?

I don’t know if I’ll be able to return as a Rabble Rouser knowing what I know now. Because of a memory that has been burned into my mind.

The last conversation I had, that fucking haunts me…was Friday, May 9th 2014. Due to the Traffic, I wouldn’t be able to come and see him on my way out to Faire. He understood and mentioned that Monday, on my way home, I could pick up some doughnuts. We were going to have doughnuts… And then Sunday Morning, May 11th 2014, Mother’s Day… Around 7am I got a call from the nurse that my Dad had gone into a coma.

We were supposed to have doughnuts… He wanted to get better. Because I thought I had to be At Faire, because I was needed at The Joust, that I was Rabble Rouser… Because of traffic… I never got to see him. I should have been with him. I was so fucking stupid to think I was honestly needed. I was a god damned fool.

I will never forgive myself for that.

*growls softly and wipes the offensive liquid from her face*

I don’t blame the events that revealed these painful truths to me. I blame my own blind stupidity. It only makes it worse knowing my Dad wanted me to go, because he always loved hearing about if afterward.

I also want to make it very clear, that I still love my fellow Rabble Rousers and my Faire Family. Hell, I still love Joust. Just because of a solitary sour apple doesn’t mean the rest of the apples on the tree are bitter.

What struck me the most, is how that event was handled. It was very similar to the treatment I was shown time and time again (that many of you were unfortunately subject to witnessing) by my brother. Someone whom I NEVER want to speak to or see again. Mostly due to the fact that if I did, only one of us would walk away breathing.

I digress…

*shakes her head and takes a steadying breath, hoping the chest pains will subside*

Onto something more pleasant, shall we?

As I’ve mentioned, I’m challenging myself to write a short novel. An ‘Erotic Romance’. Of course, since I’m tackling said subject, it’ll likely not be all soft and fluffy. I’m actually incapable of writing anything that would resemble those very cheap romance novels you can find at your local supermarket. Hey, I’m not knocking them. Those writer’s make bank popping those out. My problem is that it’s hard for me to cut stories short. Even when I do, I’m always requested to keep going *chuckles softly* which is definitely a huge compliment.

I want to write, I’ve honestly missed it. My Dad was always very encouraging about my writing. I even inspired him to write and I still have the emails of his short blurbs from what he was working on. Gods I fucking miss him…

This coming to terms with new and old emotions…not gunna lie, it’s absolutely horrendous. I’m getting through it in probably the hardest way a person can; facing them head on and trying desperately to stay rational in the process. I know I’m not okay, but I gotta keep going through it. I wish it didn’t hurt so much…not to mention how annoying crying is. I hate it. Everything gets all wet and snotty and your face turns red, your eyes and lips get all puffy and you’re suddenly a perfect understudy for the Swamp Thing.

Anyhoo…off topic again.

For the past few years, it’s been increasingly difficult for me to start writing again. Hell, even writing a blog post has been difficult. Then again, it’s hard to write when you feel like your soul has been sucked out of you and you’re nothing more than an empty meat suit. *smirks darkly*

But I have wanted to write. Desperately. I would open my word document thingy and just completely blank out. I would try to type and my mind would literally go elsewhere and I had to do something else. It has been incredibly frustrating. I think, also… It has to do with the fact that I wasn’t ready. There were things I needed to convey, I needed to purge, but there was so much turmoil going on inside myself that I didn’t have the right mindset to make sense of it all. I think it also has to do with the fact that if I can’t convey my own truths, no matter how cryptic, than I almost can’t write anything at all. Or I become afraid, my anxiety controlling me like some deranged marionette and I’m forced to hide inside myself, unable to express what’s going on within.

I suppose it’s safe to say that since I didn’t recognize myself, that I wasn’t sure who or what I was anymore… I didn’t know what to say. I also didn’t want to become a broken record. Despite knowing that if I were to use this creative outlet to release my emotional poison that it would help, I would stop myself because I feared those that would be reading… That it would have a negative effect on them. It’s funny to think…if this is my personal form of refuge, why wouldn’t I take full advantage of it? Simple. I didn’t want to upset anyone. Once again, putting others before myself. Yet, how is one to get better if they don’t try to help themselves first?

It hurts the brain, I know.

That’s another thing I’ve realized about myself. I was the kind of person to put others before me, even at my own detriment. Not as a martyr or some form of playing the victim. No, not at all. I’m a natural healer, in pretty much any form you can think of. I enjoy knowing I’ve helped, even in the smallest way. But I have also learned, the hard way of course, that some people do not deserve that kindness. Period. That they will abuse that kindness and instantly turn their backs on you as soon as you are no longer of value. They will also change and twist the truth to make you appear as the villain so they can play the victim card and not suffer the consequences of their actions while you’re left to pick up the pieces. There are two men that fit that description, and I absolutely despise them.

Happier thoughts, yes? A change of subject sounds good.

Alien Covenant. Ah yes… Maybe not a much happier subject *chuckles* I won’t get into it. I’ll just say that it was worth seeing in the theatre at least once. At a matinee.

I just realized something rather entertaining. I have written a great deal today and as I glance at the word count, thus far reads; 2,284. Damn…and I feel like I’ve only scratched the surface. I guess that happens after a dry spell. You start getting your rhythm back and find yourself several pages later and it doesn’t feel like much at all. Maybe this is what I needed to get back into my old groove?

Funny thing is that before I decided to challenge myself, I was compelled to write an Alien fanfiction. Where, it’s an Alternate Universe (An Aliens meets Riddick Universe crossover kinda deal) and the lead protagonist is basically my alter self (gee, how original lol) and you learn that she’s become ‘Mother’ to five Xenomorphs; 4 warriors and a young queen. They all live in harmony on a blissfully abandoned colony outpost in the middle of an unknown system. Unfortunately, she’s about to be tracked down by the very company that sent those xenos to her in the first place.

The story line is the alter me needed some alone time and found the perfect place on a habitable planetoid with an empty but working compound. Unfortunately, there are a group of Mercs that are sent out on a collection mission and end up with more than they can handle and instead of heading where they’re commissioned to for retrieval and payment, shit hits the fan and they make a detour, ending up on her planet due to picking up on a faint signal from the compound itself. So they make the stop, all hell breaks loose and POOF! She’s suddenly taking care of a bunch of baby Xenos. The company of course figures this out, and since they want answers, send a team in to find out what’s happened. And that’s when things get very, very interesting.

I haven’t written much of it out yet, but I have a solid storyline and looks like I’ll have fun with this one. It’s going to creepy and bloody and horrifying but of course with the right amount of humor and what not. If anyone is interested in reading it, I’d love to share it once it’s ready. I’m thinking about posting it on WattPad, FanFiction dot net and even on my facebook author page. Or at least excerpts of it with the link attached to the chapters.

Oddly enough, I began working on it before Alien Covenant was released in theatres. It was based off of the many dreams I’ve had in the past of Aliens not only coming to my rescue, but acting like giant frightening kittens. After seeing said movie… I was even more inspired to finish it because truth be told, I wasn’t happy with what I saw. In fact, I was disappointed. More so that because Ridley Scott decided to cash in on the Alien Franchise only AFTER Alien Isolation did amazingly AND there were talks about an Alien Five in the works. So instead of continuing the engineer mythos and steering away from Xenomorphs like he had originally planned, he went back on his word and because of it, the Alien Five project everyone was jazzed about (even Sigourney Weaver herself) it’s now completely tanked. Please forgive me everyone but I gotta say it… God Dammit, Ridley.

You are about to read a very colorful Rant about ALIEN COVENANT. There may be spoilers. There will be Language. It might even be hilarious. You have been warned.

I don’t care if Alien was your baby to begin with. We all still honor that. But dude…really? If you’re going to make an Alien movie, make a god damned Alien movie. Don’t fuck off in this direction, then that direction. And when we’re introduced to the characters, (which we learn a helluva lot more about them on fucking youtube than we ever did in the movie), you half ass that too. We want to connect with the crew, you know, feel some semblance of understanding or some shit but nope. We don’t know who they fuck they are and it’s hard to give a damn when the movie is so all over the place, so we’re hoping the Creature Features make up for the blatant lack of introductions. Bad form, dude…bad form. Sure, we know we’re all in for some creepy, gorey goodness considering that we were informed (again, via youtube) that we’re getting the Neomorph (aka the Humanoid Sperm monster with Teeth that likes to cosplay as Slenderman lookin’ motherfucker) which, as promised, is a disgustingly nasty sonuvabitch that pops outta crew members in the most disturbing ways. Which is also the same crew we don’t really give two shits about because THEY LACKED PROPER INTRODUCTION. And before we even get to the best part (you know, the whole reason we all went to see this fuckery of a movie in the first place; Big Chap) you decided to throw in some weirdo android Hannibal Lector action in the middle of all this shit (David was honestly one of the Highlights) and then went, ‘Oh hey, have some Aliens!’ and they’re acting like armored spider monkeys hyped up on Cat Nip and Meth. This was like Prometheus and Alien had a drunken night in bed and this is the mistake we all now have to live with. Where was the suspense? Sure it had a few nicely done jump scares and bloody goodness but the Neomorphs and Xenomorphs honestly didn’t scare me. There was no heart pounding horror that Alien and even Aliens conveyed. And those were different movies. One was purely horror, the beginning of the franchise that has been my LIFE LONG LOVE. Aliens still held that horror while also having action. What the hell happened?

Look, I didn't hate the new addition to the Alien Franchise. It had gorgeous visuals and a beautiful soundtrack. The actors were honestly fantastic and the Neomorph was a nifty little addition before bringing out our beloved Big Chap to the spot light. There’s honestly a lot of good things to say about the movie as well. But it felt rushed in a lot of ways and personally, when I place it in the line of Alien movies before it (Excluding the AVP abominations…which yes, I own…not the point. Shuttup lol) Aliens is #1, than Alien, Alien Resurrection, Alien 3 and at the bottom…Alien Covenant. It’s cool if some of you don’t agree. You see, I’m not exaggerating when I say this is a lifelong love of mine. I saw ALIEN playing on a special night at the drive in when I was 4 years old, which was 1987. I loved the chestburster scene, hell it still makes me giggle like an idiot lol and of course, I grew up Loving Aliens. Ellen Ripley was and still is, my Hero.

Ridley Scott plans on creating more movies to go along with this current story line. I’m honestly not all that excited about them. I may see them once in the theatre, at matinee. Honestly, I truly hope that the Aliens Sequel gets picked back up. That is a movie I would be willing to see brought into creation.


Talk about going off half-cocked. I’ve held this in since I saw Alien Covenant the day it came out, May 19th. So I’ve been kinda stewing in this… Good times.

Anyhoo, I think this is where I’ll end my ramblings. Oddly enough, it’s the 14th, on a Wednesday. 3 years and one month since Dad left me behind. The worst of it is… It was a Wednesday.

Some of you may be thinking I’m harping on this. Like some twisted version of self-punishment, constantly reminding myself of his death. But that’s really not it at all. Today, emotionally, isn’t all that bad. In fact, I’m clearer than I have been in quite some time. That’s the shit part about healing emotionally after tragedies; it doesn’t just go away and get better overnight. I’ve literally been thrown backwards due to my Nervous Breakdown, only to be thrown into another direction May 13th which has resulted in me feeling like I’ve just been Dorothyied (Tornado reference) all over my god damned psyche. I’m picking up the pieces, putting myself back together and facing unpleasant truths as honestly as I can. So if you’re tired of hearing about it, I get it.

On that pleasant quip, I’m going to stop here, bid thee anon and chug the rest of this here monster so I can de-zombie-fy myself and do some chores and shit…

*chuckles and shakes her head*
