Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Guardian of Blue Fire

[No idea where this came from...but here it is! *chuckles* Seems my Muse has finally resurfaced...*smiles*]
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Cool night air embraced an aching form as she sat within the stillness of her apartment. Haunted eyes remained unfocused as delicate hands danced gracefully along a black keyboard. The tapping of her long, talon like nails was amazingly quiet as the words continued to spill from her mind through those dancing fingers. The grace in which she moved, her stillness...captivated a watchful shadow hidden in the background. 

She seemed more relaxed; that trickle of familiar electricity she emanated trailed almost playfully along the entirety of his form, telling him she was finally given a break. She was in less pain than she had been. The thought seemed to loosen something deep within the confines of his powerful chest. Which also told him he could approach her without her energy attacking him. Something he'd learned a long time ago; never corner a wild animal. Especially when it's wounded.

There was a slight shift in the air, as if someone had opened a window somewhere deep within her apartment. But apart of her brain knew who that someone was... And before he could utter a single greeting as he approached, her lips began to move, allowing a sultry purr of a voice to fill the stillness.

"Hey, Big Guy." She said softly and kept her eyes forward as his large silhouette seemed to pour out of the darkness and filled the empty chair to her left in complete silence. It always brought a ghost of a smile to her lips at how much he reminded her of a large cat; powerful and graceful in his calculated movements, but there was also a ferocity held within his luminescent gaze. Knowing that when he appeared bored, or aloof; his face a portrait of secrets...she could feel that contained violence trickle ever so lightly along her spine, reminding her that at any given moment, even in his calm state, he could explode into a dark fury. It felt as though she were sitting next to a wild Tiger. Exotic and beautiful but also dangerous and unpredictable.

"Hey back." He thundered in that low, gravely tone she knew to be pleasant. "You seem better." He added and began memorizing the lines of her face, as he'd done a thousand times before, as if he were afraid that he'd never see her again. Old habits die hard.

She gave a slight nod and took a drink of the warm coffee swirling within her black thermos, enjoying the way it trailed a line of heat down her throat and into her stomach. "A bit, yes." She murmured in reply after setting the thermos back down to her left and was about to pull her hand away when she was stopped; a current of living electricity thrummed from his paw of a hand as it covered her own. She almost gasped at the sudden feeling of his life force streaming into her flesh. Instead, she brought wide eyes to his watchful gaze; orbs of blue fire glowing with a silent intensity within the black.

There was a pause as their eyes met. Speaking without words, as if the souls had their own language and were conversing on a level neither of them were even aware of.

He smiled; full lips curving at the edges, "glad to hear it." He growled finally, a genuine warmth shimmering within that blue fire gaze when he gave her hand the slightest squeeze and released it; letting his hand vanish from view.

He loved these moments with her, sitting within the quiet shadows, knowing she felt safe in his presence. Knowing that here, with her, he wasn't a Killer. A Monster. She made him feel like his life meant something, something good. Especially when she smiled. 

And this is why he loved her.

-Fades to Black-


  1. *Smiles* at the return of your muse and awesome Riddick writings *hugs* Shaz

  2. I guess we know who won the battle of Alter ego vs. Muse :). (((HUGS))) -Jenna
