Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Unrestrained Chaos

Echo-less thoughts stream through the broken catacombs of a tortured mind. If only the soul had spoken sooner, allowing the poison to surface and run clean... It had seen it happen long before the manifest. Long before the pain had a chance to carve the vorpal blade against a wounded heart. There would've been...there could've been... Now, it's nothing more than the shadow of a nightmare with no way of escaping.

The ache is deep and seething, burning through shattered scars of painful memories, torn yesterdays with no means of end. The spirit screams out into the universe, calling forth the great serpent to swallow this horrific agony. Wailing out for that chained titan of fur and teeth, "Save me!" it roars; beckoning Fenrir home...

This travesty is the product of pure cowardice. Instead of kissing the innocence laid out before them, they kissed their fear. Sickening is the act that was done, uncaring, unfeeling...an empty selfish thing with no care as to the damage it has caused.

This wrong will not go unpunished.

Disgusted and betrayed, the soul sticks its courage to the sticking post and raises up; head high, ferocity within a terrible gaze. This will not be forgiven. Talons rip from delicate fingertips, pushing crimson streams from the torn flesh. A stark contrast of red against ivory kissed skin.

Chaos swirls within burning irises as hell-fire explodes from the inner cage. An awakening of something frightening...ancient and powerful as it weaves its way to the surface, consuming everything in its path. A rage so terrible that flights of angels turn away and the devil himself flees into the deepest level of hell for safety. Nothing will stop the horrible creation that's been unleashed.

Too long has it remained within the silence. Too long has the watchful guardian clenched its jaws in restraint. This atrocity will not pass without consequence. There is nothing to stop it. No sugar coated lies spilling forth from an honest face.

Boyish charm...do right smile... Blue Eyed Devil.

A terrible thing has begun... Inner transformation from broken innocence into uncontrollable destruction.

Never again...the soul weeps as the light fades out.

Consumed by the thing rising from within. The beginning of the end. 

Tell me love, will you bleed for me? As I leave you there to drown in a sea of your own deceit. Watch as I tear the light from your eyes and smile as you become nothing more...

Than a Whisper in a Crowd of Screams.

-Fades to Black-

1 comment:

  1. Ah,dear niecy, i woulds't indeed die for thee...but i would rather rise from the bed of blood and willingly flay from their bones the flesh of any who woulds't dare do harm to the desires of my heart's dearest...onyx
