Monday, March 16, 2015

It's Madness!

A terrible sting coils up within the darkest reaches of within. Tiny stabs of painful electricity lighting up every nerve ending, reminding me that I'm alive. It's moments like these...that I greatly despise. My body is on a war path; the early stages of a monthly self destruct sequence. No, it's not an exaggeration on my part when I say that this is not something I enjoy experiencing. I loathe it. The 'Screaming Eagle' (as my Dad called it) hasn't even landed yet and I'm already starting to double over as the pain claws through my midsection.

Lovely image, no?

It's not just the pulsing agony eating at me from the inside out like maggots devouring a corpse... The hormones like to play Russian Roulette with my emotions. The bitch of it is, that it's not always like this. There is the rare occasion when I'm blissfully unaware that I even have this female plumbing to begin with. But nope, not this month! No sir... Physical pain is one thing, but emotional diarrhea to go with it? 

A miniature tactical nuke would be lovely right about now.

It's one thing to have to deal with this...cycle. It's another to go bat shit and try your damnedest to keep it in check when all you want to do is crawl into a hole and pray that the crazy doesn't get out.

It's madness!

It tends to dig up all of your fears, all of the insecurities, every painful memory that's put in neat little filing cabinets in the back of your mind where you've finally put them and not only tosses them everywhere imaginable, it douses them in gasoline, grins like the sadistic little bitch it is...and lights a match.'s one of those days and it's only the beginning.

-grows an unpleasant smile-

Fun, huh?


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