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A snapshot of the sky I captured while on the freeway |
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Hard to see but she's up there ^_^ |
Stranger still is what I found by sheer random as I perused YouTube before finally allowing myself to succumb to my hidden sanctuary in dreamscape. I had this strange urge to look up Heidi Montag and found that she's regretting her decision on having such drastic plastic surgery now more than four years ago. It's unfortunate that it took her doing something so extreme to her appearance to realize that her self confidence and worth as a person does not derive from looks alone. I've never disliked her, I want to make that point adamantly clear. I was honestly saddened that she had chose to undergo such a dangerous change in order to feel beautiful when truth be told, she was already beautiful to begin with.
The interesting part in all of this was looking through her recent videos and finding one where she had openly reached out to Amanda Bynes...
The reason this took me aback and I found myself blinking, was the realization that in an older post, when I had spoke about Heidi, I had started with Amanda. You can view that blog -here-.
The reason this took me aback and I found myself blinking, was the realization that in an older post, when I had spoke about Heidi, I had started with Amanda. You can view that blog -here-.
I was wondering why recently it's been popping up in my more popular musings (on the right hand side of my blog) and now...I can honestly say I'm a bit perplexed. This isn't the first time I've written about something that not long after, finds its way back into my view without me actively creating it (if that makes any sense).
Another example is recent videos on dinosaurs and their new discovery linking to certain species. Which has come more into light due to the new Jurassic World movie that's about to be released in theatres this coming June. One dinosaur in particular has been brought to my attention. The Spinosaurus.
I had a real issue with it's first big screen appearance in Jurassic Park 3. I went off on tangents to those willing (and not so willing) to listen on how this specific carnivore would not actively go after a T-Rex (wrong continent) nor would it spend any real energy on a handful of humans when physiologically speaking, it is more than apparent that it's main food source is found in the water. It's diet was predominantly fish and other aquatic life.
I've actively researched Dinosaurs since I was 8 years old. I wanted to be a paleontologist. I'd also like to point out that I've never stopped researching. I may not have gone to a university to get a degree on the subject but I easily could have with all the knowledge I've been absorbing over the years. It will never not be a passion of mine. So when I would start an argument about the way a certain animal has/is portrayed, there's usually a damned good reason.
Now, having said that, I learned yesterday that all the things I had argued when it came to Spinosaurus actually turned out to be correct. And this was long before they found new evidence to support my thought process when it came to this particular carnivore.
If interested in learning more about this very strange and fascinating species of Dinosaur, you can click -Here- and it will take you to a video that will inform you of the new findings.
-pauses to gulp down a few mouthfuls of her coffee and looks up to see her Hawk friend still across the street-
::leaves at 7:09am:: ::returns at 8:09am::
I left shortly to take my roommate's daughter to school and on my way back, more than a few miles away, another Red Tail Hawk was perched on a light post to my direct right. It's not uncommon for raptors to have such a large territory, it is odd however that when I got back to the apartment, I noticed my Red Tail was still on her perch across the street. That's two hawks in one morning. She's still there right now as I type these words. So it wasn't the same hawk. Interesting, no?
I'll let you decide ;)
And on that note I shall end it here and ingest more coffee goodness.