I have been lacking when it comes to updating my Blog O'Doom... I've tried the last couple of days to actually write something, and every time I started to, I'd look at it, growl and scrap it. *sighs and sips her delicious coffee goodness*
I've been kinda out of it recently (gotta love how stress works) and it's been a struggle to get up in the morning. Hell, it's been a struggle to stay positive. I chalked it up to being my hormones going crazy, (had the Screaming Eagle sumthin' fierce and it made me a damned zombuh) the Full Moon being a Super Moon and the energy in the atmosphere getting charged by the longest day of the year (which was the Summer Solstice). Yay for discombobulated goodness!
*grumbles and chugs her coffee*
So instead of just rambling on about my day to day boring life, I figured I ramble on about something a little more entertaining...
What in the Hell happened to Amanda Bynes?!?
I mean, I get the whole Child Actor growing up and becoming their own person thing (Hence why I like Miley Cyrus so much, regardless of what crap is being said about her) but when I finally looked up some pictures on Google... Holy...*BLEEP*
She went from this;
To This...;
I can understand coming into Your Own (whatever that means) and it wouldn't be such a mind screw for me if I hadn't noticed her Strange Behavior surfacing lately. And apparently, she's getting Plastic Surgery (Well duh, she wasn't born with her current breast size, but I'm not bothered by that. She felt she needed bigger jubblies, more power to her)
From a recent article I found online, apparently she's fixing what she calls, 'A Birth Defect' in an Article by US Weekly Titled, "Amanda Bynes Declares Herself a 'Hero' for Having Nose Job"
Here's a small excerpt from the Article;
"I consider myself to be a hero to have suffered 27 years with a birth defect and to just now have it surgically removed," she continued. "I had to share my story with you so the media would stop using old photos of me and stop writing lies about me having odd behavior when I was just embarrassed to share the fact that I had a birth defect. As soon as I had it removed I couldn't wait to talk about it!"
Bynes went on to say that her next procedure is scheduled for this Saturday - and compared her nose job to cleft lip repair.
"My doctors are heroes who also correct kids who have cleft lip - something as traumatic as webbing in between your eyes! I wanted to share my story with you to prove that I'm not crazy, I was just embarrassed," she wrote. "Surgery is a complete miracle for me - nothing can hold you back from living out your dreams. There's a surgery for everything that's wrong with you!"
*facepalm* Oi Vey... *shakes her head* If this is True, if she Truly feels as though it's a Defect, than I say if she has the means, go for it. I only worry that it's going to turn into that one chick... The hell's her name...
Oh ya, Heidi Montag...
This next picture really hurts my brain...
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I just... Really don't want to see ANYONE ELSE do that to themselves purely out of Vanity. She was seriously Beautiful before she became emotionally twisted by the Media and started her Downward Spiral with Using Plastic surgery to Shape herself into a Completely Different Person.
There is a MAJOR DIFFERENCE between Corrective Surgery (For actual deformities that cannot be treated without outside help) and getting Plastic Surgery to Enhance Your Appearance.
Look, I'm not against plastic surgery. If it's a small thing and makes You feel more Whole, go for it. The reason why it's such a touchy subject for me (Or why I get so irked by it) is due to the fact, that I have a Rare Skin Disease, a real Nasty One that creates Scars that are embarrassing and unsightly. I literally cannot wear tank tops or sleeveless shirts without flashing the scars in my armpits because of this Acne Inversa. There is No Cure. It's not something you can spread, it's a Rare Genetic Disease. It's Treatable, but I can never be rid of this. I actually NEED corrective surgery, and even then, there's a chance of it flaring up again. It affects the Hair Follicles. It has gotten easier due to losing weight, but it's still there.
So when I see perfectly Healthy Human Beings like Heidi, getting all of this surgery because she had this twisted view of herself, thinking she was ugly... I want to slap her upside the head with a brick. Then she'll really appreciate surgery...
*takes a deep breath* But I digress... If Amanda thinks she needs it, if it's something that's Truly been bothering her all these years, than I support her decision. However, if it's just another warped mindset sating this twisted delusion of Beauty...
Than whatever, it's her body. I think she's smart enough to know the difference, but she doesn't quite live in the same world we do. She's been raised in HollyWeird. And that alone can twist anyone.
*chuckles and shakes her head* Well, at least this blog wasn't boring... I did promise to ramble about something entertaining.
I suppose when you're in the media 24/7 and now with the Net being even more In Your Face, it can be reeaal easy to find yourself becoming insecure about things STRANGERS point out for no other reason than for sensationalism. The Original Form Of Bullying; Social Media.
And now it's becoming its own entity; a disease that eats away at your self-esteem and forces you into their collective. You're skin is too wrinkled, buy this cream or get these injections. You're complexion isn't flawless, wear this foundation. You breasts just aren't full enough, wear this padded bra or get Man Made Implants shoved into your flesh. We point out why you're imperfect, so you buy our products so you can look like this Model who is actually wearing a shit ton of makeup, and has been digitally enhanced in a COMPUTER to appear Flawless.
It's all an illusion. And we want you to buy into it so we can make You feel bad about yourself and that way you'll become yet another nameless slave to our product that we convince You will make you look beautiful.
*growls and shakes her head*
I'll admit that I make Pictures appear prettier, because They Are Pictures. I enhance them only slightly, not obnoxiously. I'm not ashamed of my imperfect complexion, I have more than a few pictures proving this. But it's cool to have a few where it looks professional and clean. Everyone knows I'm Far from perfect. When it comes to cleaning up pictures, it's an art form. I'd rather people see true pictures of Me, so that they see the truth when they meet me. Which is another reason why I don't spend allot of time on makeup., or wearing it I should say.
I'm weird... I want people to See Me First, and that way later, when I do get dolled up, they can appreciate the time I put into it. Does that make sense? Or am I just completely Back-Asswards?
Alright, enough of my mindless ramblings... At least it wasn't boring ;)
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