Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I R a Disgruntled Zombuh...

I stare, unfocused at the rich, dark liquid in my small Halloween themed mug... My brain still dancing with fading images of another place, a world that exists beyond the veil of dreams... A place I find myself missing every time I'm brought back to consciousness. Another home I still see, in fleeting glimpses every time I close my heavy eyes while my brain fights to steady itself. 

The coffee helps, even if it's instant, it's still warm and still gives me my morning caffeine. I'll definitely need a stronger cup after I finish this first one, seeing as I've woken to a Beautiful gloomy morning only the Ocean brings. It's a wonderful Marine Layer dancing across the heavens, blocking out most of the harsh morning rays and allowing a cool sea breeze to trail invisible fingers along my overheated flesh. 

*grows a small smile and takes a hefty drink of the dark liquid*

This past weekend at Faire was a Very Good one. It was Pirate Weekend, one Many people look forward to each season. Patron and Participant alike. I felt at home in my Swashbuckling Garb while interacting with many beloved Scallywags I've come to call Family over the years. Many entertaining shenanigans ensued, especially during the Joust. I had such a great time with my Audiences on both days, being a complete dork and making so many people laugh hysterically during the 'calm portions' of the Joust, while we all waited for things to kick up into gear. 

I was pleasantly surprised and greatly humbled after each Day, when Audience members would come up to me and tell me that I was the Highlight of the entire show. That I was more entertaining than the Joust itself lol That, was incredibly humbling to hear. It's very touching to know that I made so many people laugh and have a genuinely good time ^_^

It's funny to think that I was so nervous the very first day at the beginning of Faire, not really sure how to get everyone excited and amped up for the show... But now I just walk over, wave and start by saying something silly, get a couple of giggles and go from there. I've learned to relax and have realized all I have to do, is be my goofy self and people generally respond really well to that. The running Joke with the Rousers is that all they have to do is just let me loose on the public LOL

*chuckles, takes another drink of her coffee and shakes her head*

Also got some pretty awesome pictures taken. At one point there was a Huge Pirate Gathering on Saturday, by the Joust and we all filled up one of the sections for pictures. It was amazing. I can't wait to see how those pictures look ^_^

Sunday however, though amazing itself, had a bittersweet ending. We had a memorial service for those we've lost, held in the FOF Garden. It was a beautiful Service, and though I and Many others tried to keep it together, the tears spilled from our stinging eyes, dashing down our cheeks and we were helpless to stop it. Especially seeing Lory's beautiful face, Smiling brightly from her picture on the Memorial wall... 

*takes a calming breath and chugs the rest of her cup of instant coffee

Also hearing Her Name being called, Along with Becky and Erick and a few others we'd all come to know and love... It was touching but heart breaking. But we were all with Family, and though there was tears, we all managed to be there for each other. And is yet another reason why, I Love Faire so very much. It's my Second Home.

*grows a small smile* And Now...another cup of instant-coffee goodness is needed.

I think, for now... I shall run off and try to wake myself up s'more and eventually get ready for work, which thankfully I don't have to leave for until 1:40pm. Yay... *zombuh flail* lol 


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