Thursday, June 11, 2015

Fragmented Ponderings

Rich and earthy, I am seduced by the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee as I continue to ingest my second cup. It was a calm morning, a thick layer of low clouds covered the heavens as the temperature was no more than a lovely 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Much cooler than what the weather channel predicted the day before and I'm grateful for it.

-grows a small smile and takes a hefty drink from her Nightmare Before Christmas Thermos-

This morning was also bittersweet, having learned that Sir Christopher Lee had passed away, Sunday June 7th. Another one of my Dad's favorites, along with Peter Cushing and Vincent Price (as my Dad called, "Uncle Vinny"). Three dear friends, amazing thespians and remarkable human beings.

I remember how badly my Dad wanted to share, "The Horror of Dracula" with me a few years ago, just before his illness began taking over our lives. He had told me it was one of the most amazing, knock-down, drag-out fights between Van Helsing and Dracula ever portrayed on film and nothing would ever top it. That Sir Christopher Lee was the epitome of terrifying and no one would ever compare.

-pauses as that old familiar ache begins coiling inside her rib-cage and struggles to take a deep, calming breath-

Dad was right. He was frightening.

As I think back now, all the times Dad wanted to share something with me, no matter what I was doing, only slightly annoyed at first for the interruption, I still met him halfway. Things that were important to him, things that brought a smile to his face, good memories that would cause his eyes to brighten... I would always say, "Sure, Dad. Why not?"

I'm glad I did...knowing now, that every moment is precious and fleeting. The painful truth of it is, we are Finite. There is only here and now, this very moment... Cherish it. I cannot stress that enough.

Even now as I type these words, the threat of tears lining my lash line, I lick my suddenly dry lips but remain still. Yes, this is painful, but necessary. Better to ride it out then bury it.

Hmm, that's strange. I just had this overwhelming urge to write a small tidbit of a story for you and I think I'll do just that.

*  *
She ran, panicked footsteps slapping against the broken pavement as darkness continued to swell against the last lingering light of day. Something was coming. A terrible thing thats soul purpose was to devour every ounce of good from the souls it happened to cross. How it came to be that this monstrosity was now hunting her was nothing more than a run of bad luck.

That good old fashioned phrase of, 'being in the wrong place at the wrong time.’

This was not going to end well…

Lungs heaved, muscles ached as adrenaline surged white hot through heated veins forcing a tired body beyond its limits. Pain receptors were blocked as a heartbeat thundered, tendons straining, skin slick with sweat. Keep going. Don’t stop. God, don’t let it get me.

But it already had. What she was running from wasn’t some unseen demon or monster out of a Stephen King novel. The terror that followed her every move, every breath she took…was with her all along.

Her body had finally slowed as she neared a parked car sitting adjacent to an old lamppost. Panting, she stood next to the passenger side door and felt a strange energy trickle along her spine. Brow furrowed, something told her to look up.

It was there in the reflection of the window that she saw the truth.

There was no escaping it…the beast she tried to elude was staring back at her. It was her face but not at the same time. Her eyes…weren’t her eyes. In fact, they were nothing more than empty sockets filled with black smoke.

She screamed.

- -- -

Every muscle tensed as a shaking form shot up out of bed and landed painfully in a mess of limbs on the floor; feet tangled in the sheet that now stuck wetly against clammy skin.

Blinking, chest heaving, she glanced around the room and realized where she was. “Holy shit…” She muttered in a scratchy voice and placed her face in her hands as a heartbeat thumped loudly inside her chest like a trapped hummingbird trying to escape.

A shake of the head followed by a soft growl as she managed to get back on her feet and started walking on trembling legs into the kitchen to make herself a very strong pot of coffee. “Looks like it’s gunna be one of those days.” She quipped to herself and just shook her head, hoping the images would begin to fade and not haunt her for the rest of the morning.
*  *  *

I'm in a really weird head-space right now. I want to keep writing, I just can't pinpoint one thought long enough to make it into something tangible. It's like trying to chase wayward fireflies drifting into the darkness, blinking off and on as they rise out of reach.

-sighs and shakes her head-

I think I'll end it here for now...but don't be surprised if I end up posting another blurb later tonight or early in the morning. Thinking about those memories with Dad brought emotions to the surface that want me to pull back and be still.

So for right now, I'm gunna go sit outside and clear my head and try as best as I can to quell this aching in my chest. 


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