Saturday, June 13, 2015

Serpentine Dreamscapes

There’s a stillness within me, a strange energy that lies in wait, hidden behind the dancing shadows of my memory warehouse. I close my eyes, take a deep needed breath and let it out slowly as the haunting melody of a Russian Lullaby, ‘Tili tili bom’ pours through the speakers covering my ears. It’s the kind of song that slithers through the nerve endings and makes the delicate hairs on the back of your neck bristle and stand on end. I love this kind of music…as though I have a small horror movie playing quietly in the back of my vast imagination.

It brings a little warmth to my twisted little heart -gives a small smile and takes a drink of her strong coffee-

Something interesting to add, I had strange dreams the other day. What most would consider a nightmare was simply a normal occurrence for me. 

I can’t remember the entirety of the dream, there were a few familiar faces but the moments with them were too fleeting to focus on. I knew it was pleasant; warmth emanating from their eyes and gentle words. I didn’t feel alone.

The oddness was when I was holding what I knew was a baby king cobra, but she was a soft pink-beige with off-white patterns, bright almost pearlescent white-blue eyes with pink lining her lips. Absolutely adorable. I knew that she wasn’t threatened as she coiled her body around my left wrist and rose her body up to face me. There was a point where another snake, a viper with the same coloring, accidentally caught the skin of my arm and I gently pried it off and placed it on the ground. I remember the curve of its fangs; they were massive. Next segment I was looking at the young Cobra and watched as her mouth unhinged. I closed my eyes and turned my head as she sprayed me. Not only did I have a touch of deadly venom coursing through my arm, I now had it on my neck.

Strange how when I looked down at the crook of my arm, the veins there were a terrible black and blue and I looked infected. There was very little pain and when I looked at the person across from me, he gave me confused eyes and said, “You’re immune.”

I gave a sly grin and replied, “not the first time I’ve had venom in my veins.” and watched as a look of horror filled his eyes…

…and woke up.

Yeah, weird I know. 

Snakes in dreams are very symbolic, especially for me. I know how my mind works when I’m dreaming. They’re little messages I have to decipher and in this case, they’re good omens. I have an affinity for snakes, especially the more venomous species (go figure lol) and I find it rather amusing that it was two snakes, much like the charm I wear around my neck. 

Should be interesting to when I do a little research on it after I finish this blog O’doom.

-yawns and takes another drink of her magical coffee-

I’ve been getting this itch to write a horror story, I’m just at odds with how I want to start it. The only way I’m ever going to create it, is if I write/type one word at a time. Once you start, it’s like a levee snaps open and you’re suddenly flooded in a world living just behind your eyes that wants so desperately to be shared.

Not gunna lie, writing for me, especially scary stories, makes me feel better. I can’t really explain it. Being able to create something and have others experience it and enjoy what you’ve created…there’s no better feeling in the world. It’s amazingly enriching. It’s something my Dad believed I should pursue, something he thought I was born to do… Maybe he was right.

-gives a small smile-

Anyhoo, I’m gunna stop here, do that research I mentioned and start jotting down notes for what I’m probably going to start writing.

Wish me luck!


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