Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Coffee Makes Brain Happy

There's a chill around me, tickling and playful as I struggle with my tired form to begin it's morning movement.  A groan traps itself in the back of my throat as I open my eyes, still heavy from sleep and realize there's something warm, fuzzy and soft curled up against me. Curled up on my right, I bring my head up enough to look down my body and see two sea colored jewels peer back at me through slits. A soft rumbling emits from his chest and I can't help the smile pulling at the edges of my mouth. With a careful hand I gently pet his head, initiating an even louder rumble as he purrs in response to the affection. With a chuckle, I sit up and scoop him up gently, only to roll over and set him next to me on the other side of the bed so I don't throw him off as I sit up. Another sound catches my attention, a squeaky meow just behind my head, near my pillows. I glance over and there's the older Tabby, face a portrait of sleep as he stares at me, wondering why I've gotten up without petting him. With a sigh, I reach back and gently pat him on the head, earning a squeak in reply and finally get to my feet.

And this is my morning. Waking up to find Gir curled up near my stomach and Pez curled up by my head. Some mornings they switch spots, or both are at my head, taking over my pillows. You can't stay depressed long with such blatant fuzzy cuteness to wake up to every morning. In a way, they're one of the reasons I find the strength to keep going. Unconditional love from my tiny predators. Their cuteness is seriously stupid. 

See this? It's THIS Level of Cuteness!

*chuckles and takes a hefty drink of her coffee*

Yesterday I mentioned I would do some research and see what that Lynn Shepherd's writing was like. Honestly? I don't have an opinion...yet. I bookmarked an excerpt from one of her books and I can at least share what I found Here

It's the kind of narrative that's more Script-like. I've never really been fond of that style personally, unless it were just an outline. But to each their own. It doesn't seem all that horrible, but I haven't been able to read the entire excerpt yet.

*pauses long enough to read a page or more*

Alright, I'm going to be honest. Not all that impressed. Her style is very Flat and very Mechanical. She's describing things in a manner that is empty and makes me wonder why she writes about it in the first place if there's no emotion behind it. She's trying to paint you a portrait of something, trying to pull you in but I find it dull and lifeless. Like I said, Not impressed. I'll read the rest when I'm not finishing my blog and I'll give you a full review. 

I'm not being cruel because she's a bitch, I honestly enjoy reading other's work and in a way, I was truly curious if she had talent. She's got the basics down, which is a talent unto itself... But where's that special mojo? That spark that dances within the words and mesmerizes you... Maybe I need to keep reading and I'll find that it's merely hiding somewhere within the lines she's written. At least...I hope so, for her sake.

*chuckles and shakes her head*

I'm not trying to trash this woman, that's not my style. I just... Okay let me put it in a way that'll make sense. I've only seen the first 3 of the Potter movies and have yet to read the work itself. With only that much information under my belt, if I were Lynn, I wouldn't even Fathom writing anything against Rowling unless I had done my homework. Unless you're educated in a particular topic people are debating, keep your damned mouth. Seriously, it really tans my hide when people 'pretend' to be intelligent in an argument because 'they read it on wikipedia' or saw something briefly on the news, etc. It only makes me see red when they try to Correct someone who actually Knows what they are talking about because they refuse to be in the wrong. I've had that happen to me many times (people have made the mistake of undermining/underestimating my intelligence or all the damned facts I have swimming around in my brain). In debates, if I'm wrong, I'm fine with that and look forward to re-educating myself on said topic. I'm a stickler for learning. It's fun as hell for me, especially if I'm interested in the subject I'm researching.

Anyhoo... *lets out a soft laugh* I guess the coffee's kicking in... *smirks*

I just don't understand that kind of blatant bitterness toward someone for no real reason than the simple fact that they're doing incredibly well writing Young Adult and Oh No, they've brought Adults into the genre and are incredibly popular compared to your Adult Only, Mystery whatever style.

Get the Fuck Over It. Seriously... Bad sport, much? 

And it's not like she's doing poorly, if you go to her Site, she's gotten all these good reviews... Oh, I get it now. She's only Published 3 crime/mystery novels. That's it.

*sighs and shakes her head*

I almost don't want to read her work because as a person, she's mean spirited and that's not an attractive trait. It'll linger in the back of my thoughts as I read each line. Which is a shame because it ruins the purity of the work. If she thought this would be a blog more for shock value to get more readers... She really went about it the wrong way. What's the term... Any Press is Good Press? Yeah, I don't know if she was gunnin' for that, but she kinda screwed herself in the process. Ah well, sucks to be her.

Commercial Break Time!!

And on that note, I needs to gets me s'more coffee goodness and maybe... I'll finish that excerpt. Maybe...


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