Tuesday, February 11, 2014

You Can Check Out Anytime You Like, But You Can Never Leave

The heat streams blissfully down my throat and pools warmth in my stomach as I ingest my morning coffee. The body aches, having slept hard considering I instinctively knew I didn't have to be on alert throughout the night. 

I feel better than I have in awhile... Knowing that Dad is not only in good hands, but will be going back to his rehabilitation facility today for 9 days. They even put him on a new medication specifically designed to combat the symptoms of Hepatic Encephalopathy which will allow him more clarity and less of the confusion we've been battling since his health has started declining. 

Bittersweet, I learned that due to being a Veteran, he qualifies for Hospice Care free of charge through the VA. Either in home Hospice, at a facility or through the hospital itself. They wanted me to know this for the future due to his condition and his age (perhaps I'm biased due to my Deda having lived til he was 95, because to me... 66 is not old in my book) and they wanted us to have one less thing to worry about.

*takes a hefty drink of her coffee and sighs*

So today, having some free time to myself, I'll be going to the store for a few essentials and while getting litter for the boys, I'll hang out with the critters at PetCo before coming home. Why wander about and look at the same little life forms as before? Because, as silly as this may sound, interacting with them actually gives me an emotional boost. Especially when the baby snakes sneak up to the edge of their terrarium and stick their cute little face near the glass to get closer to me, or when the Rats and Mice are either sleeping or running amok in their tiny enclosures and as soon as I get close, they all kinda stop and come up to me, stand up on their hind legs and place their tiny hands against the glass where the tips of my fingers are pressed against; their iddy biddy noses working causing their whiskers to dance.

It's funny, whenever I go into a place with animals, no matter how small, they always Look at me. I mean Really Look at me. It's almost as if there's a connection there, even in the fish that swim over and peer at me through the glass. I can even feel it when they lock my gaze, a sense of familiarity and it causes a spark of warmth to flood in my chest and I can't help the smile that pulls at my lips. While this is happening, I don't pay any mind to people that stop and watch at the interaction taking place. I honestly don't care if they find it strange or my actions crazy, because more often than not, they stop to watch in fascination at the way the critters are responding to me.

I am proud of my Dolittle abilities ^_^

*chuckles and shakes her head and smirks as White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane begins playing on Pandora*

It's nice to be still again...even if it'll be brief. I am determined to get through all of this with my eyes forward, facing whatever else the 'verse wants to throw at me. I know that it's going to get harder, that's just how life works. But I also know that it's the way I handle it that makes the difference. 

*lets out a soft laugh as a live version of 'Hotel California' begins thundering hauntingly through the speakers*

It's going to be a good day... Even with the thought that just a year ago today, was the last time I spent time with my Lory. It aches sumthin' fierce...but I'll let it trickle through me and run its course as I go through my day.

And on that note, I shall bid thee anon ;)


1 comment:

  1. Critterz do same thing when I'm around too. Must be why we get along so well...that and rescuing your sabercat self from those pesky protohumans....glad you are finally getting help needed and some space...maybe you could even get to meeting sunday? Just a thought...must be that time...Chris' s b-day is 23rd and I like totally relived every moment of trip we made to jersey for xmas/new years with he r family...miss her so much...anyhow...hope to c u soon.
