Thursday, September 19, 2013

-Within the Absence of Light-

[Onyx's Note: I started this Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013 at 4:00pm and literally forgot about it... Until last night. I had written only the prologue and two paragraphs of part one, and since last night and this morning, I've written almost 6 pages. I'm still writing. Why? I want to see where this takes us...and I want to finish it. So without further adieu, I present my newest Riddick inspired story. I have a feeling it'll be different from the others...because I bring out a whole new side of me through this character, 'Wildcat'. And on that note; enjoy!]


"Look at me..." I snarled under my breath, teeth clenched in anger as his large frame refused to face me. I struggled to stay absolutely still; my knuckles showing bone white with restraint as I tightened my fists. We’d been through worse and he never once gave up, even when I had to drag him back to the ship. I proved myself time and time again that I was strong enough to be at his side, that I could keep up. I’d never seen him like this…a broken man being cornered by the demons of his past. I wasn’t ready to let him be taken. They’d have to kill me first.
"No..." His voice was a low thunder, a haunted voice I'd never heard rumble passed his lips. Was it guilt that I was hearing? Knowing that everything we'd been working so fucking hard for was about to be torn from our hands…over a lie?
I felt my chest ache with the anger that was coiling behind my ribcage like a volcano about to erupt as I took a quiet step toward him and knew by the slightest twitch between his shoulder blades, that he could feel my rage curling off of my smaller frame like streams of smoke.
"Don't." One word... Such a simple word... But hearing it roll in a thundering growl made my heart break as it danced through my ears.
"So that's it." I shot at him in a very careful, controlled tone that even I didn't recognize. "You're just gunna give up?"
This actually got a reaction. Not exactly what I would've wanted, but it was something...
His head turned to the left, a shimmer of silver/blue fire flickering toward me when his body followed the motion and I was suddenly standing face to face with not a man…but a beast.
At any other time I would’ve taken a step back, put some space between us at the intensity of his metallic gaze. A look I never wanted to be focused on me. But this time, I was too pissed to be stared down into submission. He knew me better then that. I locked my knees in place and defiantly stood my ground. I wasn't going to let him see how this was destroying me. I was stronger than that. I wanted him to see that I was Not going to let him go without a fight.
A strange curve pulled at his full lips at the sight of me showing so much defiance in the face of what I couldn't change. "You can't stop this, Kid." He mused in a low growl and there was something in his gaze that held me there, trapped in the wake of his words. "There's nothing you can do now, but run. Get as far away from me as you can."
"Riddick..." I started to protest but he shut me down with a deep growl that started in the back of his throat and rolled slowly passed his lips.
"No. This is not up for debate." He shot at me and paused, taking another step forward, completely invading my personal space. "You are getting on that transport. End of Discussion."
I could feel the sting in my eyes but fought the emotion from spilling down my face in useless streams of salt and let out a defiant snarl; "No, god dammit! I will not watch them take you from me, do you understand?!" My voice was straining at the edge of a scream as all of those bottled emotions came roaring to the surface. "How am I going to live knowing I could've done something?!"
It all happened so fast...
One moment I was standing there, feeling impossibly small and alone when the unexpected happened.

He was incredibly still…like a statue you can’t take your eyes away from, afraid that if you blink it would suddenly move. That’s the only way I can describe it… He moved at a speed that just didn’t register, because one moment there was empty space between us, tension coiling through the air like invisible trails of smoke. In the next, it couldn’t have been more then five seconds, I was suddenly overwhelmed; powerful arms enveloping me, forcing me flush against a living wall of muscle.

My initial instinct was to fight off my assailant, to wriggle free of my living cage of flesh and bone. Being held against him without warning, my mind filled with shattered pieces of chaotic emotions… I couldn’t respond. I stiffened, confused and enraged. What the hell did he think this was going to accomplish? As though I’m just some strung out damsel in need of coddling. The hell was he thinking?!

As rage coursed through me, knowing he was going to do the very thing that we both Swore we’d never do… Within all that warmth, the steady thunder of his heartbeat pouring into me, the smell of his skin; a rich, almost feral scent that made me think of jasmine and a hot cup of coffee on a chilly night in October. The heat of his breath fanning along the nape of my neck, just above my collarbone to the left, knowing he was breathing me in… I could feel something weave through him into me. An energy that spoke to the animal within…

Before I could stop myself, I buried my face against his chest and wrapped my arms around him; small hands stretching the back of his black tank top with lines of unhinged desperation. I shuddered at the feeling of his large hands placed on the back of my head; his fingers curled in my shoulder length mane as he held me flush against him. I struggled to keep myself together, but in that moment of broken silence, I fell apart. Knowing that the heart I could feel pounding within his chest, the heart I'd come to call home…was going to be ripped away from me.
And there wasn't a god damned thing I could do about it.

-End Prologue-

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