Sorting through these broken images, thoughts and dreams drifting along a ribbon made of memories... Swaying within the darkness of my mind, like a flag dancing in the dead of night. You can't see them, but they're there; a wordless song only I can hear.
*sighs* It's been a week or so since I've updated. I've had quite a bit going on...still do, I'm afraid.
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Sent to me by my awesome friend Mikey XD |
*takes a steadying breath before taking a hefty drink of her coffee*
I had a tooth issue that is now being resolved, which has helped ease my stress tremendously, but my biggest worries, the greatest weight of all... Is here at home.
My Father's health has continued to decline and I Am taking him to the Hospital on Thursday. I honestly have been on his ass since I came home from Illinois, but I knew then, that the only way he's going to get better, is if he got the medical attention he needs. I would've taken him today, which I still may do, but I honestly cannot miss work when it's few and far between. It may not be much, but it's something and I'm not just working for me. I'm going to make sure that he's emotionally prepared for being in the Hospital for awhile. Logically, he's finally ready. I just know that right now, he needs my support.
The plan is to get a doc to see him, get him admitted so he can start healing, and we've already discussed bills and the like while he's there. And, while he's there getting the care he needs, I'm free to Finally do some Major cleaning around the apartment (something I've been hankering to do, and now will be able to without worrying about my Dad). I want this place to look Amazing when he gets home. Which also means...I may need some help doing so.
There is old furniture I've been DESPERATE to get rid of for awhile now and Dad finally said it was okay to do so, which I'm Extremely ecstatic about. I've been wanting to get rid of our old Couch and his ancient and VERY Dead comfy chair for Ages. There will be so much more room... And I plan on doing just about every piece of laundry I can find (I'm planning a very Long day at the laundry mat) getting them clean, and the clothes I honestly No Longer Need, will be very quickly disposed of at the nearest Good Will.
When my Dad comes home, finally feeling better, he's going to come home to a new place. I'm actually really excited about it.
And this will all be done before July 29th (Because I'll need to get my ass to the airport the next day by 3pm). What I also need, and already talked to Dad about and He's Okay with it (Finally got through to that Thick Polish head of his) is if some of my very Dear and Wonderful Friends (Who are more like Family to me) Could call and check on him while I'm gone for two weeks, and maybe offer to swing by to see if he needs anything. I'll have my cell on at all times while I'm in Illinois, even if there's a 2 hour difference, doesn't matter what time it is, I'd love to be updated on how he's doing. By not only Him, but the wonderful souls who'd be willing to make sure My Dad, and my Boys (Pez and Gir) are okay. Another reason why I mention this, is because management was actually really nice about letting us know they'll be conducting Their yearly Inspection sometime in August. Hence why I'm adamant about tearing this place apart and making it look like a brand new home before I go.
Dad, as of right this moment, cannot do it. Period. But that's okay. I want him to relax and get better, so I can do what I need to do at home and things will definitely look up.
I can't let myself spiral downward, emotionally. I don't have a choice. And would that help? *shakes her head* So you see my point. And, well... I'm just as pig-headed and stubborn as my Father, so this Will get better.
I've already lost two of the four most Important Men in my life... My Mickey, and my Deda in the same year. I refuse to lose my Father when I Know he's supposed to be around for many years to come. No, he's not young anymore, but he's only 65 (which to me is still young) and I'll be damned if I sit idly by when I know I can do something about it.
As much as we get on each others nerves and tend to crack heads in petty arguments, he's my Dad. He's also one of my best friends. I'm going to make damned sure he's well again.
*takes another deep breath and another drink of her coffee O'doom*
Yes I'm stressed out... But I gotta push it aside, stop worrying over it so much and instead, focus on doing something about it. I am cursed with forever being the optimist, so why stop now? Besides, if I Know it's going to get better, it will. End of story.
Alright my lovelies, I have to finish my coffee consumption of doom and start getting ready for work today. Thankfully I don't have to leave until 11:00am, so I've got a bit of time left to relax. I'll be sure to write more later when I get home after 6pm :)
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