Wednesday, February 22, 2012

[Wild Fury] ::Part 1:: The Scent

Darkness swept a gentle hand across an eerie landscape… Broken buildings rising haphazardly toward the heavens; like sleeping monoliths peering out with sightless eyes, watching their world with a knowing silence; forever remembering the horrors that brought their once majestic city to a terrible end; pain and struggle etched into their crumbling foundations for all to see…

Here, in this graveyard of memories, we lay our scene. Where two wandering souls, each containing their own hidden universes of secrets, cross paths; convinced that they, alone, were all that was left…

And find…that not everything is what it seemed.

*  *  *

He moved within the silence, an aura of death encasing him like an invisible blanket as predatory eyes watched his every movement. He was absolutely fascinating to observe; unlike the other humans the creature had seen; this one felt...different. The calculating steps, the power within his movements...the quiet knowing within that stoic expression as he peered out into the darkness with the most intriguing set of eyes.

Intense blue fire shimmered within his depths... Not so unlike the gaze that held him as he continued on his path deep into the night.

The creature suddenly became listless, wanting nothing more than to trail those silent footsteps... A familiar scent calling out from the darkness...

She had to follow him.

Her body danced in the quiet of his wake as she matched his speed and followed him deeper into the shadows. There was a strange pull about him; as though he gave off a faint blue glow that became her beacon within the black. Heart beat steady, eyes fixated on this interesting target...she crept closer, using every ounce of cunning  to remain as hidden as possible...

He knew he was being followed; had since a few yards back. Some thing was trailing him with the ease of a predator stalking its prey. But there was something about his new shadow that eased the intensity to turn and attack; an innocent curiosity that seemed to dance playfully within the cool breeze that whispered past. A ghost of a smile threatened to pull at his lips when that same breeze brought along with it a new scent... A rich aroma that stung the back of his throat and made his entire body tense in reaction. The delicious fragrance of a woman...

Been a long time since I've smelt beautiful... He mused inwardly and decided he'd continue forward... Just to see where this might see how long she could keep up.

...and wondered...

If she tasted as good as she smelled...

-To Be Continued-

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