Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's morning...where's the Gorramed Sun?!?

So it's early... *chuckles and sips her coffee* And the reason to Why I'm up at this Ungodly Hour of the Morning, to which at any other time I would be more than likely face-planting in an epic fashion... Is due to the fact that I have to be up, dressed, all bright'n'shiny (which is highly debatable as I am indeed, a Night Owl and in no way a Morning Person) and ready to go at 7:30am.

I'm attending Pre-Faire Classes today. As in the Annual Southern California Renaissance Faire, which doesn't properly open to April. And classes/meetings don't begin til 8am, which is an hour or so drive from where I'm currently residing...all half asleep and glaring at the contents of my coffee mug as though I could will the coffee to somehow magically transfer into my bloodstream...

*chuckles and takes a hefty gulp*

Apologies for the absence of a Blog yesterday, or continuation I should say, of the Epic Dream I had the other night. But not to worry, it's still playing on a screen in the back of my head, so it will indeed be written out. And since it's been left to simmer, it's becoming an Actual Story. So that'll be fun to write ^_^ (Also since I've already scribbled down a few notes here and there whilst thinking about the best way to convey the seriously creepy atmosphere of the dream itself) I think it'll be awesome.

*proceeds to chug the contents of her cup* One moment, it appears my coffee is broken...must venture forth, into the kitchen and fix me another cup of the almighty caffeine. *scampers off in a thriller like fashion*

Now as I await my next cup (gotta love instant coffee fresh out of the Microwave with all its radioactive goodness) I find it interesting that I was able to lie down at 11pm and actually managed a few hours of sleep. And was also able to pull myself from the depths of my dreams, damn near flying off my bed when the alarm on my phone sounded.

*hears the microwave DING* Yay! Coffee! *shuffles accordingly for the rich, caffeine goodness* And I'm back ^_^

You know... I've just realized that those of you reading this may or may not be pondering, 'If she's not a Morning Person...why in the Hell, is she so damned...peppy?' Very good question... One, I have Coffee, Two...I have no idea. *chuckles'n'shakes her head* I think it's also because I had enough sleep and have enough time to Properly wake up.

Yay for the morning Ramblings of a Zombuh! *small flail of happiness* That, right there...was my 'Muppet Dance'... It's allot more entertaining in person ;)

So...ya. I think the hamster in my head just fell off the wheel, is flat on its furry little back, staring those beady little eyes at the ceiling and going, '...I got nuthin'...' 

Alright Ladles and Jellyspoons, it's now 6 til 6am and I must chug this here second cup and get my zombuh-self in the shower to be all clean and junk ^_^

*waves and scampers off*


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