Friday, February 28, 2014

Rain, Coffee and Squirrels... Jedi Squirrels

A gentle pattering dances along the frame of the house, echoing softly along the cool, moist breeze as it whispers past the open window. It's a lovely day with gloomy ocean-gray skies, reminding me of those foggy mornings in my home by the sea. A place I secretly mourn for, desperate to return to my Lady Blue. It hurts too deeply if I allow myself pause to let it sink in.

It's not that I detest this new place I've found myself in. It has it's own beauty, it's own energy. It's not the desert that I grew up in... It's more green, more temperate. The energy here is peaceful and shows in the people I meet. 

*grows a small smile and takes a hefty drink of her coffee*

Update! Dad is actually doing better. Even though his liver is pretty much flipping everyone the bird, being at the hospital and having such an amazing staff taking care of him, when I talk to him on the phone now... He's Dad. Shit you not, it's my Hero. And he seems really relaxed and groovy about being there. He'd love to come home, but he's also cool with whatever they decide and either way, he'd just love it if I came and visited with him. Since there's a storm right now and possibly tomorrow, I won't be able to drive Ellie out there until at least Sunday. But it's definitely good news to know they somehow brought my Dad out of the mental fog he was lost in. Whatever they're doing, and with his strong's working.

And it really takes a weight off my heart.

*smiles brightly and takes another drink of her coffee*

I can't get over how beautiful it is today. Seriously, I love the rain. There's something so peaceful about it as it streams down in waves only to soak the parched ground. Bringing life back into the sleeping earth. Nothing is more calming than the sound of rain pattering gently outside. It reminds me of Home.

Oh, remember how I had written about 'Lynn Shepherd', the Mystery/Fiction Novelist that wrote that pathetic blog about J.K. Rowling? Ya, I tried to read more of that excerpt of hers from one of her books... I tried, I really did. But honestly, there was just no spark. Nothing to keep me emotionally involved or interested in the story. How very sad...

*smirks* Well, sucks to be her. If she's writing, she should do so because she loves to...not because she wants the acclaim of her more well known (and well Liked) fellow writers. People like her, don't deserve it. Let me put it this way, I'd rather read Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey. Why? Because there was a Spark. That's definitely saying something.

Commercial Break Time!!

*chuckles* Anyhoo, I'm going to wander off and enjoy the rain and finish this here coffee O'doom. Hope everyone's doin' well and shtuff...or sumfin? O.o



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