Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Creative Prose O'Doom

Golden streams of light dance gently through the open windows as the scent of the ocean and crisp grass hang on the edge of a playful breeze. The morning itself is beautiful; cheerful voices of song birds lifting toward the heavens as they frolic and play within the thick tree tops.

I sit here within the surrounding peace and sway slowly back and forth to Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers', 'Free Falling' pouring in through the small headphones placed in my ears. The music swells through me as I reach over and bring my small coffee mug to my lips only to drink down the rest of my instant-coffee goodness. And having ingested the last of my first cup, I shall proceed to make another ^_^

While I sit and wait, my mind drifts through endless living catacombs of flesh and feeling... Thoughts and images strewn out along a breathing background of knowing silence; a sentient labyrinth hidden behind the sleeping eyes of a terrible leviathan.

These words trickle through me, slithering through broken hallways and forgotten passage ways of unspoken hunger and sensation. Energy that weaves through the intricate weavings of an over active mind, tantalizing and compelling...beckoning the mind to paint a portrait of untapped imaginings along a ghostly white canvas.

Music teases the senses; haunting and low as it seeps into my ears and causes the fine hairs on the back of my neck to bristle and stand on end. I can almost feel it weaving through my veins, heating my blood and forcing my breath to hitch. 

I love the way it affects me, bringing a sense of peace to the unsettled Animal hidden so deep within. A tortured beast that fights to break its internal cage of flesh and bone; an insatiable savage that thirsts for the ability to run, unrestrained within a world of endless possibilities. 

But when Music finds its way into that inner darkness, the empty space surrounding its powerful form of contained violence... It stills, even for a moment... And I can almost taste the calm that reflects within a pair of trapped jewels; intelligent starlight glowing silently within the black.

A smile curves the edge of my lips as the calm blossoms in my chest like an invisible fist of peace opening and trailing its fingertips through the delicate fibers of my being. 

*smiles and sips her coffee goodness* Gotta love Poetic Musings ^_^

It's another beautiful day (as I've so creatively described earlier) and I'm just enjoying the energy it brings. It's definitely worthy of poetic rambling :P

That, and I tend to be more creative with my writings O'doom when listening to music (not that it's obvious or anything) Oo lol

And coffee definitely helps...*grins behind coffee cup

And now I shall continue ingesting caffeine goodness and find something fun to do, for these brainmeats are all kinds of spaztic oO lol


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