Friday, May 17, 2013

Called Into The Black

Footsteps trailed in methodical succession as a figure traveled a desolate road with no streetlamps to light the way. Shadows twisted in playful patterns as moonlight from the two orbiting planets  fought to break through patches of cloud cover, casting an eerie silver/blue glow over the desert landscape.

Just another lost soul wandering a back water planet somewhere on the outskirts of the 'verse. There was no rhyme or reason to be there. An excuse to get away from the chaos; all the light and noise. A desperate search for peaceful solitude. To get away from the harsh reality of a species out to take out anything in its path...including their own kind.

But she wasn't like them...never had been, which was an even bigger reason to get as far away from that disease as she could. By any means possible.

Sadly, that meant gutting a poor sack for his piece of crap ship. Not really that big of a loss; he was in the Slave Trade. Namely kids... If anything, she did the 'Verse a favor. Felt good to jettison what was left of his bloody corpse when she broke atmo. 

Burned real pretty too...

Felt even better when she found a planetoid with life sustaining atmo. Something called Acheron. She wasn't sure why that name sounded so damned familiar, or why everything inside her mind told her to break orbit and find a place to land. 

She didn't argue nor dismiss the primitive urge to touchdown. She'd learned a long time ago to trust her instincts; that wordless voice hidden within the depths of her mind. It was always a few steps ahead, sensing danger long before it had a chance to find her. An internal guardian made of the energy of her ancestors that continued to thrive as echoes in her blood. It always found a way to save her; helpful whispers of forgotten yesterdays. A protective phantom hellbent on keeping her alive. So when it spoke, she listened.

There she was, walking along a unpaved road toward what appeared to be an abandoned colony. Saw a sign not too far back, but the script had been scratched up pretty bad. All she could make out was 'Hope', but that wasn't the first word. The first started with an H as well, but the rest, again, was too torn up to be eligible. When she read it, something in her stomach clenched. This place was far from having any hope. It was a haunting portrait of a truly Alien landscape. Jagged structures of rock jutted from the gray earth like ancient monoliths; withholding terrible secrets only the dead could decipher.

As she walked, the more she could feel of her surroundings. There were...things...just out of sight. Silent shadows watching her every move. She couldn't hear them, but her skin thrummed with their energy...and it was nothing like she'd ever felt before yet somehow familiar., it couldn't. That didn't make sense. Like a memory from a dream you can't place. She knew this energy... But how?

Shaking the thoughts away, she continued onward and found herself standing before the ruins of a huge building with the storm shutters down. Reminding her of a man made beast in a deep slumber. What terrors waited within?


"Only one way to find out." She mused under her breath and proceeded forward, toward a large door that seemed to be used for vehicle transport into the colony. It was parted just enough that she could hunker down and slip through.

With a deep breath, she passed through the small opening... "Jesus..." She exclaimed in a low voice at the scene before her.

What had happened here? By the debris she could tell it was a panicked firefight. Possibly short bursts of gunfire... But what were they firing at? And why were certain parts of the metal walls and deck melted through as if the things they had been aiming at...had concentrated acid for blood?

Her skin crawled as a wave of goosebumps trailed her flesh, as though a ghostly hand had trailed skeletal fingers down her spine. Something was very wrong in this ghost colony... As if the walls screamed a warning that only her soul could hear.

So why the hell did she land and decide to go in? There was a reason Why she was there...something had called to her while she traveled that cold black. She knew now, as she walked on silent footsteps along the grating beneath her boots, there were things anticipating her presence.

A small wave of electricity sliced through her spine, causing her muscles to tighten and her body to go completely still... A deep awareness that she was being followed. She was suddenly painfully aware that the walls...weren't just made of steel. There were things hidden behind those pipes... Twisted creatures made of death and suffering.

"What the hell am I doing?!" She spat softly at herself and fought the urge to run back to her ship; knowing instinctively that if she ran, they would come...

-To Be Continued-
*  *  *  *  *

Yay for random story goodness! *chuckles and sips her monster* I actually started writing that day before yesterday but didn't get a chance to refine it or post it when I had the chance (been kinda busy) but I thought, mayhaps, you lovelies would enjoy the rough draft ^_^

I'm wondering whether or not I should take what I've got thus far, and just run with it. Definitely an interesting story concept... Obviously an Aliens' based story. Guess you could call it a fanfic :P I'd love to continue it...have no idea where it would take me. 

Knowing how my brainmeats work, Riddick would definitely make an Appearance...and possibly the crew from Firefly. It's workable, seeing that Wormholes are a wonderful anomaly and can be used as a inter-dimensional jump for crossovers ;)

Let me know if that's something you'd like to read. And be warned; it will Not be a Fluffy Romance. It'll be a True Aliens Tribute. But if you've read my other works, you'll know it'll be one helluva ride ;)

I'm gunna cut this short, for I must run amok and get ready for the day. Getting picked up by the lovely Big-Cat at 10:30am for our Last Weekend Of Faire...:/ Yes, very bittersweet. But I look forward to spending that time with my Faire Family :)

I also have a Flight on Tuesday at 6:35am for my two week trip to Illinois. I look forward to the Visit, and maybe I'll get to experience true warm rain ^_^ What I'm not looking forward to is the possible Tornado weather that may or may not happen... Oh Joy O.o

And on that magical note, I shall bid my luvlies anon and I hope, that everyone has an amazing weekend ^_^


1 comment:

  1. Most awesome as usual, niecy, have most wondrous of days and see you guys tomorrow 4 more fun n mayhem!
