Thursday, May 9, 2013

Chaotic Internal Workings

Moments caress the chaotic mind as thoughts tangle themselves within the intricate web of a tireless imagination. Words remain fleeting, tiny drops of rain falling into a vast ocean of secrets.

I struggle to catch them, beckoning them toward me like wayward moths fluttering toward a distant flame. I know they can feel me, an invisible hand reaching out to touch them... Calling them home.

But they continue to elude me, scattering along the internal winds of an all consuming abyss.

*sighs and sips her monster goodness*

I try to write, something with feeling, and the words tangle themselves at the back of my mind, leaving my fingers unable to voice them. It's definitely frustrating... Especially when I feel this energy coiling up inside of me, wanting to erupt. It's been a steady process, this internal movement. The separate thing dwelling within the darkness of my inner sanctuary. 

It's hungry again... Ravenous. Begging for just a taste of freedom; the edge of its razor like talons slicing into vulnerable flesh, the hot rush of crimson spraying along its powerful muzzle... The scent of a fresh kill as rows of curved sabres tear into that mouth-watering heat as the light fades from unseeing eyes...

Heh...that wasn't dark, huh? *chuckles and shakes her head* It's interesting what the words began to paint when I stop thinking and let my thoughts take over my hands.

Guess I've got allot of pent up energy that's just itching for release. I'm trying to keep this as mild as possible, when all that wants to be written is...well... Definitely Not PG13 friendly. Even if my blog is suited for Adult Content, I'm still censoring myself, to a degree anyway. I dunno... I guess it's my shyness coming through. A soft whisper in the back of my thoughts, 'careful...don't wanna shock or offend anyone' though, writing about a beast hunting something isn't exactly family friendly, it's the lesser of two evils. Well, to me anyway.

The last thing I want to do is just start writing a steamy, smut-filled story and get back lash for it. I'd rather go with the scary... Why? I dunno...easier to digest? Hell I don't know...

However, when I do write somethin' kinda sexy, I tend to get allot of awesome feedback. Maybe that's why I'm avoiding it? Not wanting to draw attention to myself? Oi...I'm confuzzled. XD

Maybe I should stop fighting myself...see what I come up with. 

*  *  *

The scent was intoxicating... Wafting into the senses and causing the chest to ache with anticipation. There was something primitive calling out to him... Begging, gently...come to me... The growl started in the back of his throat and reverberated through his powerful chest at the thought of collecting the owner of that delicious scent.

*  *  *

And that's all I got...dammit lol XD Well, for now anyway ;)

I think I'm gunna ingest s'more caffeine goodness and start getting ready for work that I have this afternoon...and who knows, maybe my thoughts will be less chaotic and more structured later and then, I'll finally be able to write something.

And on that note muh luvlies...


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