Friday, April 5, 2013

I am A Magical Toaster! O.o

So I'm exhausted... Got home about 20 or so minutes ago (It's 4:53pm) and though I've been up since *mumbles something incoherently* and had a long day...including a parking ticket (OMG!! Onyx finally gone done and broke the law! Hawt damn she's all growwed up!! *snorts*) it's all good, it's payable. And...despite the horrific traffic on the way home (I swear people should have an IQ test before receiving their license) and even though my body aches... I'm getting excited about tomorrow ^_^

How about's 5pm and guess what? I gots me some delicious instant-coffee O doom (which I so desperately needed) and I'm seriously excited about tomorrow.

Man...first day of Faire... It's really here. I can't believe I get to see my Faire Family again :D Holy crap I can't believe I'll be making an ass out of myself in front of countless strangers!?! 


That's normal... The only difference is I'll be in garb ^_^ *giggles*

And on that magical note of silly goodness... *giggles behind her coffee cup* I'm gunna relax for a bit before gathering my things and getting ready to leave by 7:30.



1 comment:

  1. Successful day, aye? Don't stay up to late! Helpful noodgie unka ken
