Monday, April 8, 2013

I Live!!!

Sweet Mother of Chicken I am TIRED!!

*mini flail*

First weekend of Faire was...Epic!! I was pretty nervous on Saturday, especially being thrown in front of a bunch of strangers for the First Joust (whom I had to get cheering for their Knight) but when the Second Joust rolled around (The Joust to the Death) I'd finally relaxed and got my section to Cheer like crazy. It definitely also helped to have my sister Julie (A faire Virgin) come to my section and be my 'Plant' for the last Joust. So not only did she experience our Faire for the first time, she got to be a semi-rouser too! She did an awesome job!

It was also nerve wracking because I was in new garb, that is in no way Pirate and definitely hadn't made it mine just yet. (It was definitely a change because I've been Pirate for as long as I can remember) but I realized... It's not the Garb... It was me. So when I finally felt like myself again, I had a Blast! And come Sunday... First and Second Joust was Awesome! Since I'd listened to my fellow Rousers and stopped picking nervously at myself, and got in front of all those strangers...

I finally stepped into the part and not only had the crowd going, but had a group come back for the Second Joust and it got even crazier XD Thanks to the Bunneh and Sierra for being my next set of Plants (Seriously, you are muh Faire-Angels!), they helped me get the crowd going and we had one of the Loudest sections in the arena :D I even had them Roaring 'Black and White' so loud that I'm sure you could've heard it throughout Faire XD

Oh! And How I LOVE My Puritans! They decided to Pop in on Both days at the Second Jousts and helped me feel more at ease, and got the crowd giggling.

It was just... Insane! And I had so much fun, that I now sound as if a Frog lives in my throat XD

I gotta say... Not bad for a first weekend ;) And I have all week to rest and recoup, so I can do it ALL OVER AGAIN Next Weekend! *happy Zombie dance O Doom*

*chuckles and finishes her coffee so she can make herself a second cup of magical instant goodness* And starting today, I pretty much work all week (hence my being up so early). I would've started last night, but by the time I got home I was so incredibly exhausted that I could barely function. So I made a point to crash early, so that I could get up early, wake up and start my day all bright eyed and some kind of bushy tailed...thing. O.o

Yay coffee Beep thingy o doom! *runs off to make second cup* Mmm Caffeine! O.o

*chuckles and shakes her head* I gotta remember to bring honey and lemon with me next weekend so our voices aren't as worn out by the end of Sunday. Because not only are we all projecting loud enough to be heard by our sections (That's allot of people) there happens to be allot of Dust flying around, or what we all lovingly call, 'Faire Dust' which everyone is covered with by the end of every day. So you can imagine how strained and dry our vocal chords are at the end of the weekend. Honey and Lemon are a Live performer's Best Friend, so I'll be sure to get some this week ;)

*yawns and sips instant-coffee goodness* Good thing I've been getting back into shape... Otherwise I'd be in a Great Deal of pain today. There is Definitely a very big plus to having my Endurance and my Strength back. If you're out of shape, going to Faire will kick you in the ass. Hell, just being at Faire is a workout by itself. So now that I've been more active, I won't be such a friggin' zombie after every weekend (and I'm already a Zombie as it is XD)

Well muh luvlies, I have rambled on quite enough... (Yay for squishy brain O doom!)

I must away... Chug this here cup of instant coffee goodness and go about my day as Slowly as I possibly can XD

*waves behind her coffee cup*


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