Friday, April 26, 2013

BrainMeats of Squishy DOOM!!

Shadows twist and sway, a gentle rhythm unseen yet felt as night slowly bleeds off into a waking day. It's early, very early as I force myself to break away from my Zombie like state and gain my motor functions back. 

I have an early job this morning, hence my being up at this ungodly hour of doom. But not to fret! For I am ingesting delicious amounts of caffeine goodness... As well as a small cup of chocolatey doom known as 'Coco Pebbles' *grins

I do plan to run a few errands after work, mainly get some money from ATM O Doom, stop by starshmucks for a regular cup of joe and make my way to the GoodWill to see what kind of treasures I can find for Faire. Especially Piratey/Gypsy-ish type shtuffs ;) I might even stop by Ross and take a gander at what they might have. I enjoy bargain shopping, especially at Thrift Stores. So what if it was originally owned by someone. They took the time to wear it/own it in the first place, and decided not to throw it away, sending it somewhere that might happen to go to someone who will make good use of it. 

Sure, New Clothes or Brand new shinies are nice, but sometimes waay too over priced. And most of the time, I find more things that fit my personality at a second hand store. More of a selection. And I enjoy getting more for less ;)

(Can you tell I've grown up slightly nomadic? lol)

I guess it goes along with having grown up living off of what I had, and only buying what I really needed. Splurging wasn't something I was taught, nor something I'm comfortable doing even when I have money. If I can get something I like, that can be useful without spending that much money, groovy. I've also learned that not everything that's expensive is good quality. I've had more issues buying expensive items (tearing or breaking fairly quickly) compared to something that cost less, but ended up lasting for Years.

Man, talk about a random tangent. *chuckles'n'sips her coffee O Doom*

I do really look forward to this weekend. T'wil be most awesomeness ^_^ I get to dress up as my Natural Piratey Self, and even bought some new makeup to add to the look ;) Now that's something I haven't done in quite awhile... 

Hell, I haven't really worn any either. I guess I just figured why go through the routine and slathering stuff on my face everyday if I don't need to? Besides, my skin tends to be Very sensitive, so it's a good thing that I don't. I pretty much wait for a good time to put my (what my Dad loves to call), 'War Paint' on for special occasions. So I'm definitely going all out for this weekend :D I was even thinking of taking the time to create a realistic facial tattoo as well. Just have to figure out where I'm going to put it lol

Well muh luvlies, it's 5:23am and I need to get my butt in gear to start my day. Woo... So friggin' excited... O.o



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