Exhaustion rolls through me... Detached, weightless... My mind feels as though it's adrift in a sea of fog; trapped within a swirling mist of thought and feeling. There's a slight ache in these bones, a lingering jet lag dancing along my nerve endings as my brain fights for awareness while I ingest my morning cup of instant doom.
It's 11:02am, but I still feel that two hour difference. My brain thinks it's 1:03pm, not 11am. I guess apart of me is still in Illinois...*smirks*
I wish I could've written while I was there; the intense lightning storms that overwhelmed the heavens in streams of white fire. It was as though Thor was playing catch with the earth as sheets of rain soaked the ground and wind howled wildly through the trees. It was a natural light show that forced me to watch from indoors, due to the fact that lightning is attracted to me and I didn't want to risk getting turned into a crispy-critter *chuckles*
My flight started at 9:55pm and I arrived at 12:30am completely discombobulated as my body was adamant that it was actually 2:30am. I was suffering a fraction of what Marty must've felt when he emerged from the DeLorean. *laughs softly under her breath*
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Most Epic Picture EVER!! XD |
I managed to get some reading done while on that long flight into the past... I brought Stephen King's 'Nightmares and Dreamscapes' (A collection of short stories) and started at The Night Flier, which just happened to be about a reporter that worked for a newspaper much like National Inquirer (Those really hokey and sometimes 'so fake I can't help but read it' papers) and he'd found a story that could be the real thing... Someone who could truly be a Vampire. And go figure, it was about Planes...at night. And when I reached the part where the character was closing in on the 'Night Flier' in his little plane... There was a scene he described about lightning.
The interesting part about this, is I looked out to my left (I happened to get a window seat on the third row from the front of the plane, just in front of the left wing and engine, which I could see with an eerie clarity) and in the darkness, something called to me. I set my book down and had to cup the sides of my face just an inch away from the glass (so I could block out the light behind me) and the darkness seemed to expand...filled with millions of shimmering stars. That wasn't the best part... Just off in the distance, slightly to the left, I was taken aback by seeing a Lightning Storm playing tag just above a far away city. I was completely entranced by those playful bolts of light... I've never seen anything like it. And found it rather Odd that I would be reading about such a thing and than found myself witnessing it through the small window of that Boeing 737.
After a few minutes of watching that frighteningly beautiful light show, I returned to my story and continued to read about this character that seemed to be chasing a Real Vampire... A Dracula type. Probably one of the best I've ever read... Because it was not Sparkly in any means, but spine chilling. It had a slightly humorous ending, which only fueled me to read the next short story called, "Popsie". It was a guy pulled in to a horrible situation due to having no self control when it came to gambling with Cards. He sunk such a hole for himself that he was paying off his horrendous debt by kidnapping children with his Van to bring back to a Turk named 'Mr. Wizard'. He hated having to do it, but was starting to get the hang of it (gotta love King XD) and he ends up finding a lost boy standing in front of a mall, peering hopefully into the nameless faces that passed by.
Well, it seems that he targeted the wrong kid... Who was looking for his 'Popsie'. I don't want to give anything away, because it's really an awesome story... Let's just say that no matter how good a person he was, kidnapping children to pay off a debt because he didn't want to be beaten to death (some lines should Never be crossed) he got exactly what he deserved. I highly enjoyed that one.
*yawns and takes another hefty drink of her cup of instant Doom*
I tried to get some shut-eye as we flew through the darkness, headphones plugged into my ears playing some of my favorite music... Started chuckling under my breath when 'Carry On My Wayward Son' started playing, followed by, 'Bad Company'. I suddenly had a vision of Dean looking like a terrified Squirrel sitting next to me on the plane. His entire body tense, hands gripping the arm rests so tight his knuckles show bone white from the strain.
*chuckles and shakes her head* Definitely an entertaining thought as I fought to get some kind of rest on that long flight home.
*yawns and takes a drink of her second cup of Coffee Goodness*
Man... I am tired. Hopefully I'll regain more consciousness soon so I can get back to my weird...err, 'Normal' ways XD
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