Monday, June 10, 2013

And It Starts...

Dawn breaks over the lingering shadows of night, almost gently, as a new day emerges over a sleeping landscape. The body rises slowly from a night of chaotic dreams, a gradual movement out of the bed and toward the bathroom to pay homage to the porcelain gods.

A slow shuffle, through the small dwelling on dragging feet, toward an even smaller kitchen to create a well needed pot of coffee. Due to functioning on only a few cylinders, the coffee isn't as strong as usual, but it's just as well...there will be more, and it will be stronger.

And It's now 6:36am...and I'm on my second cup. *grumbles softly* Not looking forward to the concept of having to Leave my home and trusting that a couple of Strangers are just going to do their job, lock up and leave when they say they will. I've always been weary about unwelcome guests, I'm extremely territorial and not keen on being forced to vacate and trust that nothing will be touched. But it's a necessary evil. I was reassured that it's a one time thing, and they have about an hour to finish up and get the hell out due to the fumes. And once 4-6 hours pass, we can return, but will be unable to use said shower/bathtub until 48 hours later. 

I'm just hoping today goes well, and that the only annoyance will be the residual smell of their work when we get home. As a precaution, I'm taking snapshots of everything and putting a piece of tape over certain doors, including my room, so they know if they touch it, I'll know. It's a silent warning that I don't trust them. Period. It's not much, but it helps ease the horrendous knot in my chest...well, very slightly anyway.

*lets out a growling sigh and makes another two cups of even Stronger coffee* Just gotta focus on gathering a few things for myself, my Cats and my Dad, heading down to Ellie and driving about 30 mins over to Tammy and Julie's (To which I am Beyond thankful for) put the boys in Tammy's room, hopefully be updated when the guys finish their work and assure us they've locked the front door on their way out, and try to relax for the next 5 hours.

Can you tell I'm just soo looking forward to this? *grows a dark smile and shakes her head* Gotta love Sarcasm...

Ah, look at that...7am on the dot and I'm on my third cup of even Stronger Coffee Goodness. Trying to keep my head straight, forcing back the beast of Anxiety that's attempting to rear its ugly head and make my morning more stressful. I'm just glad I managed to get to bed early so I could get at least 8 hours and feel rested in the morning. Otherwise I'd be more on edge right now.

They're not set to be here til the hours of 9-10am, hence why I got up so early to begin with. That way I have enough time to myself to wake up and not feel rushed or panicked.

*takes a deep needed breath and lets it out slowly* Not a day I look forward to, but hopefully it goes by quickly. Gotta stop thinking about it.

Heh... Wish me luck.


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