Monday, March 25, 2013

DEATH BEE of Evil!!

As I was running errands of doom earlier today... I was assaulted by two different types of flying...thingys.

The first was a Wasp; she tried to fly into my car while I was attempting to Safely pull out of a Gas Station and onto the road. That damned flying thingy was hellbent on trying to Get In through my open window. I had to gracefully maneuver my Boat of a car while forcing myself NOT to flail like a maniac and Hit the stopped car a few feet ahead of me at a red light.

Luckily, the Wasp didn't have the best coordination and finally flew away. 

But Oh No... There was something much more Sinister waiting all fuzzy and evil like for me down the road... (Literally, because I had another light to pass before I got to my destination)

*cue spooky music*


So... As I pulled into an iddy biddy compact parking space in front of my bank, I had Just put Ellie in park, set the E break and was about to shut her off when a BEE buzzed In Through My Friggin' Window. 


I blanched and couldn't really go anywhere when the DEATH BEE literally Stopped and HOVERED five Inches from my face. It HOVERED there...Staring at me! And it was FUZZY!

I didn't flail or move, I just sat back and said, "Oh, you're just a bee." And after a moment of having a friggin' staring contest with a DEATH BEE, she buzzed to my right and landed on the left hand corner of the passenger's sun-visor. 

Dumbfounded, I just kinda sat there and stared at this fluffy DEATH BEE of Evil and was just starting to unbuckle my seat-belt when she flew off the sun-visor and disappeared by my legs.

Not gunna lie, I JUMPED out of my car and flailed appropriately in front of a few very perturbed onlookers.

And the Whole time...This actually ran through my head XD

Here's the Weird part (Ya, like a Staring contest with a Friggin' DEATH BEE of Evil isn't weird enough)...

I didn't see her exit my car. I have absolutely No Idea Where that DEATH BEE of Evil went! (Dun DunDUN!) I even drove all the way home...and she was just...Gone.


And as I drove home, Lory's Laugh actually filled my head as if she were In The Car With Me. I blinked and exclaimed, "Dammit Lory, you little Shit! Not Funny!" And fell into a fit of Laughter. XD Why? Because it's definitely something Lory would do!

So That DEATH BEE...of Evil... Was just Lory, saying Hi to me in the most Random Way Possible lol

I'm just glad she waited for me to be safely Parked First before pulling that stunt with a Friggin' BEE

*giggles'n'shakes her head*


1 comment:

  1. only you would get the "bee-o-doom"! what time o day was this? I had a wasp visit me while I was eating it/she came to see me after visiting you...
