A world held deep within the mind... As we fall into dreams, we become immersed in our very own plays. Feeling as though we're alive in real places, with real people so very far away from the harsh reality of life. It's amazing that in these dreams, sometimes so vivid I'd swear they were actual memories...
There are times, that while I'm traveling the world of sleep, I find myself in familiar places. But they're not a replica of my waking world. It's hard to explain. There are places in my dreams that feel as familiar to me as my own home, places I know only exist when I close my eyes. And there have been times when I've wished I could bring pictures back with me when I return to consciousness.
There was a dream I'd traveled the other night, that was strange yet comforting.
* * *
Day had bled off into the horizon as night lifted a graceful hand and brushed starlight along the growing darkness. Crowds of faceless strangers moved along a boardwalk like blood flowing through the veins as I began pushing my way past them; destination unknown. At first I was calm, knowing that I just needed to focus on placing one foot after the other and keep my eyes forward so I didn't accidentally run into anyone that was walking passed.
But something had changed. A strange feeling of dread danced along my spine, causing the fine hairs on the back of my neck to bristle and stand on end. A heaviness filled my chest and my stomach began to tie itself in knots... And I remember clenching my jaws in frustration; the sharp sting of instinct, telling me that I was being followed.
My shoulders tensed and my gait changed. I was no longer relaxed. Every muscle throughout my body tensed and began to hum with adrenaline, causing me to pick up the pace with longer strides. I didn't know Who was following me, but from the energy curling along my skin like a warning of a violent storm, I knew it was Male.
I kept my head down and my eyes forward. I had to get off that boardwalk and find a public place. Somewhere well lit with people. Somewhere that wasn't that damned stretch of platform full of faceless drones set more as background than actual people. Nothing more than under paid extras in the movie playing in my mind.
I knew if something happened as I neared the sidewalk away from the beach, no one would try to help me. There was no safety there. I felt like prey trying to sneak away in the high brush as a predator stalked my every move. I also knew that breaking into a run would only quicken the attack. I had to fight every instinct to stay at that steady, fast pace. I had to blend with the streams of people as they walked on either side.
A part of my brain was screaming out for someone, anyone to be out there that could help me. Someone that I knew could hear me call out to him without ever uttering a sound. I felt a small snap of electricity dance through me, as if my soundless plea had been heard... But I was completely blind as to where he might be. What if he were thousands of miles away and was helpless to get to me before that creature hidden in the guise of a Man found me?
A deep thunder filled my mind with just one word. Run. I didn't even have time to process the fact that I heard his voice behind my eyes when my body reacted. In an instant I was suddenly running, bounding forward through the crowds, hellbent on getting across the street to any source of safety. I felt the energy of danger just behind me, trying to stay on my heels before I got too far ahead. The sound of a river roared behind my ears as my heart hammered within my chest. I had to get away. I had to get away NOW.
My foot hit the pavement but it was too late. Before I could bring my other foot forward, two large hands grabbed me from behind and tried to yank me off my feet. I snarled, braced both legs against the ground, sprang back up and threw all of my weight backward, knowing it would throw him off balance.
It helped just enough for one of his hands to lose its grip on my waist, giving me just a few seconds to squirm around like a cat at the vet, causing him to drop me.
As soon as I hit the ground, I rolled and jumped back onto my feet, ready to throw myself into a full sprint when my left leg was kicked out from beneath me and ended up face first against the cracked sidewalk. A jolt of pain danced through me, but I didn't have time to register it when I was dragged backward; strong hands clamped around my ankles.
I started clawing the ground, desperate to find purchase, when a deep growl echoed all around me and those hands were suddenly gone.
I blinked and jumped back onto my feet, but almost buckled as pain shot up from my right ankle. Struggling to stay standing, I swallowed back the hiss that welled up in the back of my throat and turned toward my would be attacker.
That's when I noticed where I really was... The boardwalk filled with people...was gone. I found myself standing on a long stretch of a two lane highway with desert for as far as the eye could see. When I looked up into the night sky, there were not only stars...but several spiraling universes and three large planets replacing the moon. I was stunned into silence...
Confused, I stole my eyes away from the alien sky and toward the reason I was safe.
Shimmering blue/silver met my gaze as a beast of a man stood before me. There was something different about him... But it wasn't a noticeable thing. It was hidden within his silence as he peered down at me with those haunting eyes. I searched that handsome face and noticed a thin line of red at the left corner of his full lips. I brought my hand to his chin and gently wiped the blood away with a careful swipe of my thumb; knowing that it was because of me.
I could feel the apology fill my eyes as I began to bring my hand away, but was stopped when his left hand took hold of my wrist. I should've jumped, but the energy in his silence kept me still. I swallowed back the slight ball of anxiety from the back of my throat when he urged me toward him.
I felt the growl before it left his lips when a low chuckle danced around me, "come here." He rumbled in that living thunder and pulled me into his arms, pressing me flush against him.
I was hesitant at first, but felt myself melt within his embrace and buried my face against his warmth...
That no matter what... I was safe.
Knowing...he was always with me.
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One of my very First photo Manips :D |
* * *
That's when I woke up.
*takes a drink of her instant coffee o doom* Kinda trippy, huh? *smiles* Man... I really do have the strangest dreams...
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