Saturday, March 23, 2013

Riddick and Magical Insta-Coffee

Darkness envelops a quiet silhouette as delicate fingers dance along black keys. A doll like face trapped within the haunting glow of the monitor as focused eyes flicker from keyboard to screen.

It's good to see her writing again. Even if it ain't oscar worthy material, she's stuck to her word and is determined to see it through. I'm impressed. Not really all that surprised; always knew she had it in her. Glad to see her following through. Pushing past her inner road blocks, fighting through those self created demons... An old determination I haven't seen in quite some time.

I'm proud of her. And I know it ain't easy. Mourning never is. Especially those we find ourselves close to. Feeling them slip away... Heh... Starts to leave holes where your heart's supposed be. Except in my case, there's nuthin' left.

Of course, can't tell her that. She won't buy it. -Smirks- The thing is, I can't really argue with her. Because when she's around, I don't feel that emptiness trying to swallow me whole. She blocks the darkness... That place where I'm comfortably numb. She has the uncanny ability to light a fire under my ass... Always gettin' a rise outta me. Keepin' me alert with her amusing retorts. It's like verbal ping-pong every time we get into it. And no matter how long I've been out in the black... Enough time for my mind to slowly become consumed by the pain of my past... As soon as we reconnect, all of that poison washes away. Somehow, and I don't know how she does it... I almost feel Human again.

And that definitely says something.

-Grows a half smile- She knows I'm here; a watchful shadow against the wall as she types feverishly along that black keyboard. The only time she pauses is when the Microwave sounds its end, so she can go mix herself a cup of that sad excuse for coffee. But I get it, had to live off the stuff when living on a small ship for weeks on end. It ain't the real thing, but it gets the job done. And there she goes; fixed herself a fresh cup and went right back to writing.

She knows she's only got so much time before she's gotta chug that cup she just made and get her ass in the shower. Got another day at that Pre-Faire thing she loves so much. I'm glad she's going. There's definitely something special about that gig and the people involved. It's her own brand of therapy and she can use as much of that as she can right now.

Heh, kinda the same way she's affected me. My own personal medicine...

Damn I sound soft. -chuckles- Best remove myself now, she's startin' to get distracted. 

Teaser Screencap Courtesy of Sylvie AndCo

*  *  *  *

Guess seein' that new Teaser from the upcoming new 'Riddick' inspired my Shined-Eyed Muse to sneak in this morning while I was attempting to begin my blog. *chuckles'n'shakes her head*

I am workin' on this here cup of Instant Doom so I can make quick work of the shower and be dressed and ready to go by 7:30am. 

Apologies for the lack of a blog yesterday, I was a little out of sorts due to evil hormonal fluctuations running rampant through my system leaving me unable to do more than stay relatively calm by keeping myself distracted. Gotta love Mother Nature *smirks*. 

But the one thing that brought me up was seeing that Riddick Teaser. I have been waiting for so gorramed Long for Vin and David Twohy to get around to making another installment. And I'm not the only one.

Teaser Screencap Courtesy of Sylvie AndCo

*runs off at 6:40 and returns clean and dressed at 6:52* Woo, clean! *chuckles* And now I chug muh coffee goodness, eat a small cup of cereal and all will be well ^_^


And on that note muh lovelies, 'tis time to scamper off and become less of a zombuh O doom ^_^


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