Thursday, March 21, 2013

"Dogs'n'Cats living together...Mass hysteria!"

(Gotta Love Memorable Quotes) :P

Exhaustion coils through the veins, weaving lines of sleep behind my eyes, calling my spirit back to the land of dreams... Beckoning me to close my eyes and fall back into the void within my mind.

But I refrain and drink my cup of instant coffee, hoping that the caffeine will push away the sleepiness and wake me up from within.

*grumbles and sips her coffee* I are a zombuh this mornin' XD 

*giggles* This picture makes me smile... It's adorkable XD

So...Yesterday went well, considering how discombobulated I was when I left. But I made it to the Interview o Doom and it was awesome and on my way home, I stopped off at my favorite park and spent time with some Incredibly adorable Geese :D

I don't know what it was about me they felt so drawn to, but the next thing I knew when I began walking toward them, they both came over, the larger of the two decided to walk right up to me and proceeded to Stand on my right foot and began nuzzling my leg. Geese don't do that, do they? 

I didn't run away from them (which may have been why they decided to be cuddle munkees lol) I just calmly stood there and knew that they wouldn't hurt me. They were just Very Talkative and curious. It was like hanging out with little Dinosaurs XD And looking into those beautiful Blue Eyes... I could see intelligence looking back at me. It took allot of restraint to not reach out and pet those soft looking feathers. I didn't want to scare him.

I was able to capture most of the first encounter on video, but what I didn't capture, was me showing them my rings and the bigger one decided to lean forward and gently nommed on my Blue Green Turquoise ring on the middle finger of my right hand. XD

They could've easily bit my fingers, my hands, even my face... But they didn't. There was absolutely No aggression with those two. They just Really liked me. *shrugs'n'chuckles* I loved the looks I was getting from on lookers... I'm sure I looked crazy lol

There were two women walking by as I was heading back to my car but stopped long enough to talk to my Two Cuddle Munkees again, and as they passed by I heard, "Oh my god look how calm they are!" I brought my eyes up and saw the two women staring at me with their jaws dropped. I smiled and gave a shrug and went back to talking softly to my feathered friends XD

I can only imagine how weird I must've looked to anyone who saw me. But you know what? I didn't really care. I was having too much fun interacting with my two little dinosaurs ^_^ Geese are fun to interact with. Sure, they can be noisy and a little intimidating, but they don't scare me. I'd actually really love to have a small group of them living on my property (the day I have my own space) and raise them with a couple of misfit dogs and cats. Maybe even get a Turkey and call him Brutus XD

Ya...I'm a dork *chuckles and finishes her first cup* One moment...needs me s'more caffeine goodness ^_^ *retrieves coffee o doom and sits back down* Yay, coffee! Err, Insta-coffee! *chuckles'n'shakes her head*

I don't know why I find so much Joy in spending time with Animals. It's really therapeutic for me and I feel a warmth and a sense of peace that I can't really put into words. I honestly feel amazing afterward. As though my Heart is a little lighter and I can breathe easier.

And it's always been like this. Whenever I can spend time with an Animal and don't have to worry about 'Human' interaction, I feel a sense of freedom. Or maybe, (for me anyway), I have a better understanding with Animals. I can communicate with them on a different level, and it's very simple compared to Humans. There are no hidden motives, no secret agendas. They either like You, or they don't and their moods are Much easier to read. It's all about Paying Attention. I'm hyper aware of Body Language, which has saved me more than a few times from getting attacked (Human and Animal alike).

Man am I rambling lol But to put it simply, Chief Dan George said it best;
I've always felt this way, and have taught myself to never truly Fear anything. I've practiced the art of Understanding; because there is Always a Reason for Everything. Whether it can being easily explained, or not, it's more of a 'Knowing'. 

If you can take a step back and let yourself Feel the world around you, allow yourself to Look through another's Eyes, you'll start to understand Why People or Animals React the way they that they do. You'll begin to See and Understand patterns in everything. From People and Animals, to Weather and Seasons. You'll notice the large effect the Moon cycle has not only with Nature and Animals, but with People too.

Everyone has the ability to See with more than just their eyes. We have all these amazing senses at our disposal and yet for so many, they're merely ignored or brushed aside.

*sighs* It honestly makes me sad at how completely out of tune so many people are when they have no idea of the gifts that lie patiently inside each and every one of them.

Because I would love to see them experience the Peace that comes when you've reached that inner knowing. When you've finally tapped into your natural Instinct. It feels like your world has expanded but everything is much simpler. You feel like you're apart of something much greater than yourself, and in truth you are. We're all made of the same Star Dust.

Oh boy... I sound like I'm reciting a Sales Pitch for some kind of new religion *laughs*

And all I'm talking about, is just opening yourself to the world around you. This isn't about Religion, this is about You and your Natural Instincts. Once you finally understand what I mean, you too, will breathe a little easier ;)

And on that magical note of weirdness...*giggles'n'shakes her head* I shall bid thee anon and try to ignore the random yelling a block over that's dancing on the breeze into my small abode. O.o

But, before I go... I have an Amazing Article about Amazing Interspecies Friendships that'll really warm your heart and get you thinking ;)

See these two beauties? Not very 'Predator and Prey' like behavior in this picture. Notice their body language. Look at their Facial Expressions. Trippy, no? And there's a Ton more friendships like this in This Article I found earlier. I think you'll really enjoy it ;)


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